Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft

Study Programs


In Tübingen you can choose between three Bachelor of Science degree programs:

You can also enter the teacher training program in economics with a Bachelor of Education.

The Master programs at the School of Business and Economics allow for a seamless integration of courses from both business and economics into the curriculum. Nevertheless, our programs can be broadly categorized as either economics or business administration programs. All programs are generally research-oriented and offer a PhD-track option. Further information: Master programs

Courses Winter 2024/25 (Economics)


Module ECTS Teaching Details
E101 Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre 6 Lütticke  
E210 Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik 6 Wamser  
E230 Macroeconomics II 6 Manger  
E311 Corporate Tax Policy in an International Setting 6 Wamser  
E312 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on Empirical Public Economics 12 Wamser  
E31x Economics of Business Taxation 6 Brusco  
E322 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on Digitalization: Opportunities and Challenges for Firms and Workers 12 Gumpert NOT WS2024/25!
E323 Firms in the Global Economy 6 Niemann  
E324 Wirtschaftspolitisches Kolloquium: Internationale Wirtschaftsorganisationen 6 Duijm Syllabus (you can already register for WS 2024/05)
E330 International Money and Finance 9 Müller  
E342 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on selected topics in Economics 12 Stähler  
E350 Innovation and Technological Change 6 Stadler  
E352 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on Industrial Organization and Innovation Economics 12 Stadler  
E360 State: Regression Analysis with Historical Data 6 Jung  
E361 Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Welt: neue Forschungsansätze 6 Baten  
E362 Bachelorarbeit in Wirtschaftsgeschichte 12 Baten  
E364 Applied Research in Economic History 9 Baten  
E365 Topics in International Economic History 6 Kaiser  
E366 Climbing ahead, falling behind: social mobility across time and space 6 Henderson  
E372 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on International Economics 12 Merlo  
E376 A toolkit for writing your Bachelor's thesis in Microeconomics 6 Cisneros Acevedo  
E382 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on "New Macroeconomics Realitites" 12 Lütticke, Müller, Hidalgo  
E383 A toolkit for writing your Bachelor's thesis in Macroeconomics 6 Hidalgo  

You can also download the full module handbooks that include courses in related fields (e.g., business, statistics):


You can also download the full module handbooks that include courses in related fields (e.g., business, statistics):

Courses Summer 2024 (Economics)

Note that these are the modules from Summer 2024. The list of modules for Summer 2025 will be provided Winter 2024/25.


Module ECTS Teaching Details
E130 Makroökonomik I 6 Müller  
E170 Einführung in die Mikroökonomik 9 Merlo  
E310 The Theory and Empirics of Taxation 6 Brusco  
E312 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on Empirical Public Economics 12 Wamser  
E320B Economics in Action 6   ILIAS
E321 European Economic Integration 6 Eppinger  
E322 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on Digitization: Opportunities and Challenges for Firms and Workers 12 Gumpert  
E324 Wirtschaftspolitisches Kolloquium: Internationale Wirtschaftsorganisationen 6 Duijm Syllabus
E331 Unvollkommene Arbeitsmärkte 6 Manger ILIAS
E332 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on the Economics of Climate Change 12 Müller, Mutschler ILIAS
E333 Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies (Lecture) 6 Manger ILIAS
E334 Topics in Crypto (Seminar) 6 Manger  
E340 Globalization and Economic Development 6 Schmerer ILIAS
E342 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on selected topics in Economics 12 Stähler  
E343 Environmental Economics 6 Fahle  
E351 Industrieökonomik 9 Stickel  
E352 Bachelorseminar in angewandter Wirtschaftstheorie 12 Stadler  
E360 Stata: Regression Analysis with Historical Data 6 Jung  
E362 Bachelorarbeit in Wirtschaftsgeschichte 12 Baten  
E363 International Development Economics and Economic History 6 Baten  
E364 Applied Research in Economic History 9 Baten  
E365 Topics in International Economic History 6 Kaiser  
E366 Climbing Ahead, Falling Behind: Social Mobility Across Time and Space 6 Henderson  
E371 Theory, Policy, and Empirics of International Trade 9 Stähler, Merlo,
Cisneros Acevedo
E372 Bachelor Thesis Seminar on International Economics 12 Merlo  
E376 A toolkit for writing your Bachelor's thesis 6 Tulli  
E380D Be ready for your thesis in Public Economics 6 Brusco  
E383 A Toolkit for writing your Bachelor's thesis in Macroeconomics 6 Winkelmann ILIAS

You can also download the full module handbooks that include courses in related fields (e.g., business, statistics):