Ludovica Gambaro, Ph.D.
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Dr. Ludovica Gambaro ist seit April 2020 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Soziologie der Universität Tübingen. Davor war sie Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow der Abteilung Bildung und Familie am DIW Berlin, sowie wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am UCL (University College London) und an der LSE (London School of Economics). Sie studierte Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Bocconi Universität in Mailand, und hat einen Master in Public Administration von der LSE, sowie einen PhD in Social Policy, ebenfalls von der LSE.
Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Ungleichheiten in der Kindheit, insbesondere in Bezug auf frühkindliche Bildungssysteme und die Unterbewertung von „Care“-Arbeit auf dem Arbeitsmarkt.
Ihr aktuelles Projekt mit Professorin Pia Schober trägt den Titel: "Elterliche Gendersozialisation in vielfältigen Familien" und wird durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft finanziert.
Gambaro, L., Buttaro, A., Joshi, H., & Lennon, M. C. (2022). Does residential mobility affect child development at age five? A comparative study of children born in U.S. and U.K. cities. Developmental Psychology, 58(4), 700–713.
Buttaro, A., Gambaro, L., Joshi, H., & Lennon, M. C. (2021). Neighborhood and Child Development at Age Five: A UK–US Comparison. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(19), 10435.
Gambaro, L., Neidhöfer, G., & Spiess, C. K. (2021). The effect of early childhood education and care services on the integration of refugee families. Labour Economics, 72, 102053.
Moulton, V., Goodman, A., Nasim, B., Ploubidis, G. B., & Gambaro, L. (2020). Parental Wealth and Children’s Cognitive Ability, Mental, and Physical Health: Evidence From the UK Millennium Cohort Study. Child Development, 92(1), 115–123.
Gambaro, L., Marcus, J., & Peter, F. (2019). School entry, afternoon care, and mothers’ labour supply. Empirical Economics, 57(3), 769–803.
Stewart, K., Campbell, T., & Gambaro, L. (2019). The peer composition of pre-school settings in England and early recorded attainment among low-income children. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 40(6), 717–741.
Mostafa, T., Gambaro, L., & Joshi, H. (2018). The Impact of Complex Family Structure on Child Well‐being: Evidence From Siblings. Journal of Marriage and Family, 80(4), 902–918.
Campbell, T., Gambaro, L., & Stewart, K. (2018). ‘Universal’ early education: Who benefits? Patterns in take-up of the entitlement to free early education among three-year-olds in England. British Educational Research Journal, 44(3), 515–538.
Gambaro, L., Joshi, H., & Lupton, R. (2017). Moving to a better place? Residential mobility among families with young children in the Millennium Cohort Study. Population, Space and Place, 23(8), e2072.
Gambaro, L. (2017). Who is minding the kids? New developments and lost opportunities in reforming the British early education workforce. Journal of European Social Policy, 27(4), 320–331.
Gambaro, L., & Joshi, H. (2016). Moving home in the early years: What happens to children in the UK? Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 7(3).
Gambaro, L., Joshi, H., Lupton, R., Fenton, A., & Lennon, M. C. (2016). Developing Better Measures of Neighbourhood Characteristics and Change for Use in Studies of Residential Mobility: A Case Study of Britain in the Early 2000s. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 9(4), 569–590.
Gambaro, L., Stewart, K., & Waldfogel, J. (2015). A question of quality: Do children from disadvantaged backgrounds receive lower quality early childhood education and care? British Educational Research Journal, 41(4), 553–574.
Gambaro, L., Stewart, K., & Waldfogel, J. (eds) (2014). An equal start?: Providing quality early education and care for disadvantaged children. Bristol; Chicago: Policy Press.
Caliendo, M., Gambaro, L., & Haan, P. (2009). The impact of income taxation on the ratio between reservation and market wages and the incentives for labour supply. Applied Economics Letters, 16(9), 877–883.