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International Symposium: Mediating Religion – Emotional, Material, and Ideological Practices

April 5-7, 2013, Fürstenzimmer, Schloss Hohentübingen

Convenors: Prof. Monique Scheer, Ludwig-Uhland-Institute für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft and Prof. Pamela Klassen, Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto

With the support of the Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung and the Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto

Scholarly interest in the role of media in religion has increased dramatically in the last five to ten years. While it has focused primarily on the effects and uses of visual and mass media, it has also led to a more intense reflection on the nature of mediation more generally and religion’s special relationship to it. This conference proceeds from the assumption that all religious practices are forms of mediation, ways not only of ‘making the invisible visible’ but of making the immaterial available to other senses as well (or instead). It brings together scholars from historical and cultural anthropology, history, art history, and religious studies to discuss the materiality of the medium and nature of mediation itself.

Three aspects of religion and mediation and their interactions will be in the focus of the symposium: ideologies determining what counts as a medium, the materiality of the medium, and emotion as a medium of religious experience.

Friday, April 5, 2013

2:00 Monique Scheer/Pamela Klassen: Welcome, opening remarks

Section 1: Visibility & Invisibility in the Study of Materiality

2:30 – 6:00

Chair: Monique Scheer

Peter Collins: Quaker Plain and Plaining: Making the Visible Invisible

Tine van Osselaer: Bits and Pieces of the Divine: Fragments of the ‘Sacred’ Trees at Belgian Apparitional Sites

William A. Christian, Jr.: The Invisible Connections of Everyday Things in a Midwest Household

Gertrud Hüwelmeier: Cell Phones for the Spirits: Ancestor Worship in Contemporary Vietnam


Public lecture - Webb Keane: Rotting bodies: On the clash of semiotic ideologies

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Section 2: Texts, Bodies, and the Matter of Religion

9:00 – 12:30

Chair: Gabriele Alex

Amira Mittermaier: Islamic Charity: The Poor as Medium

Vlad Naumescu: The Iconic Economy of Old Belief: Towards an Aesthetics of Transmission

Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek: From Visual Image to Script Image: Jewish Rituals of Mediation between the Past, Present, and Future

Matt King: Taming the Mad Elephant: Missionaries, Lamas, and Mediating Conversion

Section 3: Sensation, Emotion, and Space

4:30 – 7:30

Chair: Amira Mittermaier

Inken Prohl/Tim Graf: Same Forms - Same Sensations? Zen in Japan and in the West

Pamela Klassen: Maps and the Mediation of the Colonial Spirit

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Section 4: Sensible Evidence & Empirical Spiritualities

9:30 – 13:00

Chair: Pamela Klassen

Pascal Eitler: Extrasensory Perception: Seeing and Hearing the New Age

Monique Scheer: The Materiality of Protestant Emotions

Knut Graw: Ob-jective Truths: Divination and the Mediation of Ritual Efficacy in Senegal

Final discussion

If you are interested in attending this workshop, please send an email request to <link mail ein fenster zum versenden der>monique.scheer@uni-tuebingen.de.
