Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät

Foreign Languages

There are various ways to study foreign languages in Tübingen and various reasons to do so: get prepared for professional life, for a study year abroad or for an international traineeship!

Foreign Language Center

Languages courses at the Foreign Language Center (FSZ) offer the ideal opportunity to refresh your general or special language skills, as well as gaining language knowledge at a higher level. Customary language examinations are offered correspondingly. The Foreign Language Center currently offers courses in Catalan, English, French, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Swedish and Spanish; not all our languages and language course levels are relevant for the International Business Administration course of study.

Foreign Language Center courses are task-based and take a practical approach. This means you will learn about countries and cultures, as well as acquiring the language competencies you will need for your career, thus improving your application profile. The FSZ course concept follows the UNIcert®-framework concept, which adheres to federal guidelines and is becoming more and more widely recognized, including in non-university environments. UNIcert® Certificates are awarded at four levels and allow students who change university to continue their language studies.

Before taking part in a course, an assessment test is done unless you have no previous knowledge in the language concerned. However, if you wish to learn a Romance language as a beginner and have previous knowledge of another Romance language, an assessment test will be required.
For more detailed information about courses offered, registration (dates, prerequisites, course fees, examinations etc.) please visit the homepage of the FSZ.

Tandem Program

The University offers you the service to team up with other students with different native languages in pairs, called tandems. Both students can profit from learning and practicing the other language. More information about the tandem program can be found on the website of the Division "German as a Second Language and Intercultural Programs".

Besides, these institutions in Tübingen are also offering various language courses:

The links to the websites of the listed institutions can be found in the "Links" box on the right hand side.


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