Fachbereich Geschichtswissenschaft

My research project aims at the exploration of the Slavic migration in the Balkans between the sixth and the ninth century. Special attention will be given to the geographical distribution of Slavic population during the crucial period between the sixth and the ninth century, by taking into account the role of economic structures and productive activities of local population both in towns and the countryside. My main question, thus, would be to what extend population’s movements can be related with the turbulent political environment in close connection to the demographic crisis in the middle of 6th c., as well as with economic motives. In other words, the aim of my research is to be clarified whether this process can be dealt as a spontaneous reaction of the inhabitants in distress, or it can also be ascribed to a larger framework related to other factors such as the pursuit of gain. The first step to be taken in dealing with this issue is to illuminate the geographic distribution of population, taking in account the geographic limitations of the region. The next step is to exploit the sources available which can demonstrate any short-term or long-term population’s fluctuation.


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