Fachbereich Geschichtswissenschaft

From Adoptionism to Carolingian 'Reform': Social Migration, Intellectual Networks, and the Transformation of the Post-Visigothic Church of Narbonne
My research stay in Tübingen is dedicated to the transformation of the Church province of Narbonne between the emerging adoptionism controversy from the end of the eighth century and the implementation of the related 'Carolingian reform' of the Church in the north-eastern periphery of the former Visigothic kingdom (Septimania and 'Catalonia') until the end of the ninth century. The special feature of this religious and cultural 'middle ground' between Gallia and Hispania was that it was the home region of numerous personalities who played not only a decisive role in the development of the so-called 'Carolingian reform' under Charlemagne, and especially Louis the Pious, but also had a lasting impact on their region of origin through their social and intellectual networks and through their literary works. The enforcement of the 'Carolingian reform' in the areas of the Bible, liturgy, religious normative texts, and legal compendia will be analysed in the light of the rich manuscript tradition from Septimania and Catalonia that has been identified since 2020. Particular attention will be paid to processes of adapting Carolingian works to the specific challenges that Narbonne faced as a Church province on the border with increasingly Arabising and Islamising al-Andalus.


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