Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät

The Student Life at our University

The University of Tübingen offers a vibrant and diverse student experience that prepares all students to engage, transform, and thrive in an evolving global community. The practical, hands-on experience is gained through running student organizations, and the exchange with fellow students from all faculties through language courses, buddy programs, sports offers and various other forms of activities where you can make a lasting impact.

Don't hesitate, get engaged and experience the full student experience!

Buddy Program

To get to know fellow students at our university, the Buddy program matches one student from our University with one incoming student. Get to know the Uni by experienced students who may have some tips and tricks, great circle of friends or further inspirational enrichments. Just fill out this form. Registration open until 16th of April!
Further Buddy programs offered at our University can be found under this link.


Learning a foreign language is always a personal and professional enrichment. Improve your German and sign up for one of the courses, or learn German with a tandem partner here.
In case you want to learn another foreign language, please check the offer at our Foreign Language Center.


One necessary condition to stay active and be healthy is the matter of sports! Please check this link to find the wide variety of fitness and sports programs for all levels at our Uni, most of the activities offered for free, or visit free outdoor areas where you can skate, play Basketball, Soccer or whatever you feel like.

Student Initiatives

As mentioned above, the Student initiatives adds vastly to the Student Life, wherefore they would love to see new international faces, exchange experiences and enrich both sides activities. Please check the offer here and feel welcome to participate.
One of those is StudIT, offering activities and trips for international students:  https://www.studit-tuebingen.de/en/

Student Councils

Further lifely organizations where you can learn a lot are the respective Student Councils which are happy about new international experiences. Join their meetings to better understand the dynamics and socialize. The existing Councils can be found here.

International Office

In addition, the International Office is committed to organize the international mobility programs, and to give advice for international students coming to Tübingen on an exchange program and provides an extensive offer for international students and other subjects to be found here.


And last but not least you are invited to join the cultural offer:

- Studium Generale: In the Studium Generale scientists and academics offer a fascinating program to the public. Some of the lectures are ECTS graded.
- Orchestra: Do you play an instrument? Would you like to join other musicians at the university in rehearsals and performances? Please feel free to contact the Academic Orchestra.
- Choir: The Academic Choir is regularly staging the big oratorios as well as more rarely heard pieces. If you feel like joining in, please do contact the choir.
- Camerata Vocalis: The Camerata Vocalis is an a cappella group, working on an advanced standard repertoire.
- Art school / evening classes: At the Zeicheninstitut you can join evening and day classes in painting, drawing, photography and sculptural design.

“Culture and Leisure” on the city of Tübingen's homepage.


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