University Library


The University Library consults with the Department of Sinology on the acquisition of literature.

University Library contact:

Suggest a book or other library resource if you believe we lack an important work. This list shows recently purchased media.

Electronic acquisitions


Literature by subject

can be found in the University Library

  • in the Ammerbau reference holdings (non-circulating reference works) in the "ostas" section
  • in the Ammerbau journal display (non-circulating current journals) in the "orient" section


Other specialist information

Institutions and Organizations

Sinological seminars/institutes and other institutions related to China

Stock profile

The subject Sinology is maintained at the UB together with Japanese and Korean Studies as "East Asian Studies". Therefore, statements about the holdings in the individual subjects are not always possible.

The subject combination includes the East Asian countries and cultures (China, Japan, Korea) with their languages and literatures as well as aspects of country studies (history, politics, economy, etc.).

The university library acquires the relevant literature in Western languages within the scope of its possibilities, while in the seminars for Japanese Studies, Sinology and Korean Studies, original-language literature is also purchased to a considerable extent in addition to Western publications.

The old holdings (up to the acquisition year 1960) on East Asian philologies can be found in the shelfmark group "Ci II", older literature on the history and geography of East Asia under "Fo XXII".