
Özgür Bulut

Function: Postgraduate Researcher - Lecturer

Universität Tübingen
Institut für Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie, Abt. Paläoanthropologie
Rümelinstr. 23
D-72070 Tübingen

Office: Room 505, Hauptgebäude, 2. OG
Tel.: +49-(0)7071-29-75259
E-Mail: ozgur.bulutspam


2011 Ph.D in Paleoanthropology, Ankara University

M.Sc. Forensic Art - Craniofacial Identification, University of Dundee


M.A., Social Sciences Institute, Gazi University


B.Sc. Criminal Justice, National Police Academy

Professional Employment/Academic Positions

2018  - Postgraduate Researcher, Lecturer -  Department of Paleoanthropology, University of Tubingen
2018  - Lecturer - Forensic Sciences, H-BRS University of Applied Sciences, Rheinbach
2015 - 2017 Associate Prof. of Anthropology - Department of Anthropology, Hitit University
2010 - 2015 Forensic Anthropologist/Founding Director of Forensic Ant. Unit - Forensic Anthropology Unit, Police Forensic Laboratory, Ankara, Turkey
2008 - 2009 Forensic Advisor - United Nations (UN) Mission in Liberia (Criminal Investigation Section, Grand Cape County, Liberia National Police)
2002 - 2008 Forensic Expert - Forensic Image & Facial ID Unit, Police Forensic Laboratory, Ankara

Teaching Experience/Courses Taught


Craniofacial Identification, University of Tübingen (ungraduate course)


Forensic Anthropology, Forensic Sciences Program, H-BRS University of Applied Sciences, Rheinbach (Undergraduate course)

2015 - 2016

General Anthropology, Hitit University, Corum (undergraduate course)

2015 - 2016

Human Osteology, Hitit University, Corum (undergraduate course)

2015 - 2016

Somatology, Hitit University, Corum (undergraduate course)

2011 - 2014

Forensic Art, University of Atilim, Ankara (undergraduate course)


Craniofacial Identification, University of Tübingen (graduate course)

2013 - 2015

Computer Aided 3D Facial Reconstruction, University of Yildirim Beyazit, Ankara (graduate course)

2015 - 2016

Forensic Anthropology (Practical Applications), Institutes of Forensic Sciences, University of Ankara (graduate course)

2015 - 2016

Skeletal Identification (Practical Applications), Institutes of Forensic Sciences, University of Ankara (graduate course)

2015 - 2016

Forensic Taphonomy, Institutes of Forensic Sciences, University of Ankara (graduate course)

Short Term - Forensic Anthropology Related Courses

Lecturer, Forensic Science at Training Division, Grand Cape Mount County, Liberia National Police (LNP), United Nations Mission in Liberia


Lecturer, Disaster Victim Identification, for Crime Scene Experts at Crime Research & Technical Training Center (KATEM)


Lecturer, Evidence Handling and Documentation Course, for Crime Scene Experts at Crime Research & Technical Training Center (KATEM)


Lecturer, Crime Scene Investigation Course, for Crime Scene Experts at Crime Research & Technical Training Center (KATEM)


Lecturer, Forensic Anthropology, in the coordination of University of Ankara and Association of Forensic Scientists, Ankara


Lecturer, Forensic Anthropology Course, for Forensic Anthropologists at Crime Research & Technical Training Center (KATEM)


Lecturer, 3D Scanning of Anthropological Materials, for Crime Scene Experts at Crime Research & Technical Training Center (KATEM)


Lecturer, 3D Scanning Techniques, for Forensic Anthropologists at Crime Research & Technical Training Center (KATEM)


Lecturer, DICOM data Analysis Course, for Forensic Anthropologists at Crime Research & Technical Training Center (KATEM)


Lecturer, Craniofacial Identification Course, for Forensic Anthropologists at Crime Research & Technical Training Center (KATEM), 2015


Lecturer, Basic Forensic Anthropology Course, for Forensic Anthropologists at Crime Research & Technical Training Center (KATEM), 2015


Lecturer, Advanced Forensic Anthropology Course, for Forensic Anthropologists at Crime Research & Technical Training Center (KATEM)

Short Term - Forensic Image Analysis and Facial Identification Related Courses

Instructor, “Criminal Techniques Education” for Macedonian Police Officers at Criminal Laboratory, Audio-Video and Data Examinations Section, Ankara

Instructor, “Forensic Video Examinations and Facial Identification” for Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC) Security Command Headquarters Police Officers at Criminal Laboratory, Audio-Video Examinations Section, Ankara

Instructor, “Forensic Video Examinations” for Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC) Security Command Headquarters Police Officers at Criminal Laboratory, Audio-Video Examinations Section, Ankara

Instructor, “Video/Image Enhancement and Facial Comparison” for Ankara City Police, Crime Scene Experts at Video and Image Examinations Laboratory

Memberships in Professional Organizations

Member, International Academy of Legal Medicine (IALM)

Member, Forensic Anthropology Society of Europe (FASE)

Member, European Anthropology Association (EAA)

Member, Forensic Scientists Association, Forensic Anthropology Commission

Member, Forensic Scientists Association, Forensic Image & Facial ID Commission

Member, European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI), Digital Imaging Working Group (DIWG)

Projects / Grants 


KU Leuven – Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project, Facial Reconstruction of a male and female ancient skulls. €12,000.00

2016 - 2017

Amorium Excavations Project, Amorium Urban Achaeology, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Facial Reconstruction of Amorium Man. €2,000.00


Hitit University - International Scientific Activities Support Project, (Project No: FEF19008.16.00119008) $2,200.00


Hitit University – Facial Reconstruction of an ancient skull from Hittite Period, (Project No: FEF19001.16.001). $7,500.00

2011 - 2012

Ministry of Interior Project: Anthropological Database of Turkish children for preventing missing kids: in the coordination of Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Education, Ankara, Turkey


TAIEX Project: Technical Assistance Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX), Study Visit on Transferring the experiences to deepen Forensic Anthropological techniques of Anthropological Examination Unit in TNP, Reference code: JHA IND/STUD 47223. €6,500.00


Project: Overcoming Obstacles in the Implementation of Forensic Age Progression, Sponsored by University of Arkansas, Funded by National Science Foundations. Participating as a forensic expert (Award Number 1155207; Award Amount: $300,587.00)

2011 - 2014

Forensic Anthropology Laboratory & Teaching Equipment Fund $45,000.00

2013 - 2015

Forensic Taphonomy Research Facility (ATAS) Project $80,000.00


One-Year International Internship Grant, Turkish National Police £23,400.00

Field Experience

2012 - Pres.

Excavations at Cankiri Vertebrate Fossil Locality, Prof. Ayla Sevim Erol, Director, Cankiri, Turkey

Referee / Reviewer for Journals

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences

Forensic Science International

Human Biology

Joural of Cultural Heritage

Plos One

Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine

Legal Medicine

Anatomy & Physiology: Current Research

Journal of Anthropology

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine



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