
Zastrow, Julia

Function: Doctoral Candidate

 Institut für Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie, Abt. Paläoanthropologie. Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment, Department of Geosciences
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.

Rümelinstr. 23, 72070 Tübingen, Germany.
 Room 519, Hauptgebäude, 2. OG



Julia Zastrow graduated in 2017 from the University of Tübingen, Germany with a B.A. in Classical Archaeology and Paleoanthropology. In June 2020 she completed her M.Sc. in Archaeological Sciences at the University of Tübingen, specializing in zooarchaeology. The M.Sc. thesis research focused on the paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the Phuthiatsana River Basin based on microfauna during the transition period from the Pleistocene to the Holocene. During her Master’s, she never lost her interest in Paleoanthropology and recently joined the Paleoanthropology working group as a doctoral student, funded through the Excellence Cluster Strategy of the University of Tübingen. Her research focuses on the evolution and ecology of hominins in East Africa. The Ph.D. project aims for the reconstruction and taxonomic affiliation of hominin fossil skulls from Tanzania by applying virtual anthropology.

Academic Trajectory

2022 - Present
Doctoral candidate

Archaeological Sciences and Human Evolution University of Tübingen

2017 - 2020
M.Sc. in Archaeological Sciences

University of Tübingen

2013 - 2017
B.A in Classical Archaeology and Paleoanthropology

University of Tübingen

Academic Employment

Research Assistant

Excellence Cluster Strategy University of Tübingen

Research Assistant Institute for Prehistory and Early History

University of Tübingen

2019 - 2020
Research Assistant

DFG Center Advanced Studies „Words, Bones, Genes, Tools“


Röding, C., Zastrow, J., Scherf, H., Doukas, C., and Harvati, K. (2021). Crown outline analyses of the hominin upper third molar from the Megalopolis basin, Peloponnese, Greece. In Ancient Connections in Eurasia, ed. by H. Reyes-Centeno and K. Harvati, pp. 16-36. Tübingen: Kerns Verlag. Doi: 10.51315/9783935751377.001.


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