Fachbereich Psychologie


Winter School "Human Action Control"

From 13th to 16th of February 2017, the international Winter School "Human Action Control" took place in our department, and was organized by Markus Janczyk. Topics revolve around the Theory of Event Coding, Ideomotor Theory, the Perception-Action Model of visual information processing (Milner & Goodale), with contributions from cognitive, developmental, and neuropsychological perspectives.

49. HexKoP ("Herbstreffen Experimentelle Kognitionspsychologie")

Die 49. HexKoP wird vom 4.-6.11.2016 von der Abteilung "Kognition und Handlung" am Fachbereich Psychologie der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen organisiert.

Summer School "Human Action Control"

From 23.-30.9.2015, the Summer School "Human Action Control: From Basics to Dynamics" took place at the Universitatea Babes-Bolyai in Cluj-Napoca (Romania). This event was funded by the DAAD with funds from the German Ministry of Education and Research.

1. Doktorandenworkshop Allgemeine Psychologie (1st PhD Summer School Cognitive Psychology)

From 15.-17.6.2012 this workshop was held at the University of Würzburg, with the initiation and organization of Markus Janczyk and Roland Pfister. More information can be found here.


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