Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich

PD Dr. Özkan Ezli

Deutsches Seminar
Wilhelmstraße 50
D-72074 Tübingen


Personal Profile

since 01/06/2025
Head of Project "Cultural Diversitiy and Reality in Berlin Schools– using the Example of Neukölln" (2025–2028, Ezli/Tezcan)

Funded by Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kultur

2nd place on the list W3 professorship for Cultural Studies

 at the Bundeswehr University of Munich


3rd place on the list: Professorship for the subject “Intercultural German Studies” in Faculty 06 at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

since 03/01/2021

Research assistant and coordinator at the Chair of Social Sciences Research on Islam in the 20th and 21st Centuries (Prof. Dr. Tezcan) at the University of Münster in the BMBF project “Resentment as an affective foundations of radicalization” (Khorchide, Pollack, Tezcan)


Open Access Award for “Narratives of Migration. Another German cultural history” of the De Gruyter publishing house.


Research associate at the Konstanz subinstitute of the nationwide Research Institute for Social Cohesion (FGZ) 

Awarded the Augsburg Science Prize for Intercultural Studies 2020

for the habilitation thesis “Narratives of Integration and Migration in Literature and Film. A different German cultural history”

Habilitation colloquium

Award of the Venia legendi for the subject areas Comparative and Modern German Literature, Cultural and Film Studies


Submission of the habilitation thesis “Narrative der Migration und Integration in Literature and Film. A different German cultural history” at the Faculty of the University of Tübingen


Scientific coordinator for the “Research Institute for social Cohesion” at the University of Konstanz


Scientific coordinator of the research focus “Migration in the Global Present” of the Cluster of Excellence Cultural Foundations of Integration at the University of Konstanz

Member of the Advisory Board for the Exhibition “Race/Racism”

at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden (DHMD)

2nd place on the list: Professorship “Cultural Studies with a focus on Migration and Integration”

at the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd

Curation of the special exhibition “The new Germany. Migration and Diversity” (07.03.2014–12.10.2014)

at the Deutsches Hygiene Museum Dresden. A cooperation between the DHMD and the Cluster of Excellence “Cultural Foundations of Integration” at the University of Konstanz

Since 3/2008

Project leader in the Cluster of Excellence 16 Cultural Foundations of Integration at the University of Konstanz. Project in the Cluster of Excellence: “Narratives of Integration in German-Turkish German-Turkish literature and German-Turkish film: Another German cultural history” (2008-2016). Cultural History” | (

Summer 2013

Substitute for the W3 professorship for literary cultural theory in German Studies at the University of Tübingen


Member of the Scientific Plenum of the Cluster of Excellence “Cultural Foundations of Integration” at the University of Konstanz

PhD at the University of Tübingen (summa cum laude)

Topic: Boundaries of culture. Autobiographies and travelogues between Occident and Orient, Publication 2012, Konstanz University Press


Studied cultural journalism in the Book and Media Practice (Buch- und Medienpraxis) program at the Goethe University Frankfurt, final grade: 1.1


Magister Artium, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, final grade: 1.1. Subjects: Modern German Literary History (HF), Sociology and Islamic  Studies (Arabic/Turkish). Islamic Studies (Arabic/Turkish). Topic of the master's thesis: “The Pecularity of Literary Discourse - Michel Foucault's Writings between Theory and Literature”

Academic Career

since 01/06/2025        
Head of Project Cultural Diversitiy and Reality in Berlin schools – using the Example of Neukölln (2025-2028), Funded by Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kultur.

2nd place on the list: W3 professorship for Cultural Studies at the
Bundeswehr University of Munich

3rd place on the list: Professorship for the subject “Intercultural German Studies” in Faculty 06 at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

since 01.03.2021        
Research assistant and coordinator at the Chair of Social Sciences Research on Islam in the 20th and 21st Centuries (Prof. Dr. Tezcan) at the University of Münster in the BMBF project “Resentment as an affective foundations of radicalization” (Khorchide, Pollack, Tezcan)

Open Access Award for “Narratives of Migration. Another German cultural history” of the De Gruyter publishing house.

Research associate at the Konstanz subinstitute of the nationwide Research Institute for Social Cohesion (FGZ) 

Awarded the Augsburg Science Prize for Intercultural Studies 2020 for the habilitation thesis “Narratives of Integration and Migration in Literature and Film. A different German cultural history”

Habilitation colloquium. Award of the Venia legendi for the subject areas Comparative and Modern German Literature, Cultural and Film Studies.

Submission of the habilitation thesis “Narrative der Migration und Integration in Literature and Film. A different German cultural history” at the Faculty of the University of Tübingen. 

Scientific coordinator for the “Research Institute for social Cohesion” at the University of Konstanz

Scientific coordinator of the research focus “Migration in the Global Present” of the Cluster of Excellence Cultural Foundations of Integration at the University of Konstanz.

2nd place on the list: Professorship “Cultural Studies with a focus on Migration and Integration” at the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd.

Since 3/2008             
Project leader in the Cluster of Excellence 16 Cultural Foundations of Integration at the University of Konstanz. Project in the Cluster of Excellence: “Narratives of Integration in German-Turkish German-Turkish literature and German-Turkish film: Another German cultural history” (2008-2016). Cultural History” | (

Summer 2013 
Substitute for the W3 professorship for literary cultural theory in German Studies at the University of Tübingen.

2010-2013 Member of the Scientific Plenum of the Cluster of Excellence “Cultural Foundations of Integration” at the University of Konstanz.

PhD at the University of Tübingen (summa cum laude), topic: Boundaries of culture. Autobiographies and travelogues between Occident and Orient, Publication 2012, Konstanz University Press.

Studied cultural journalism in the Book and Media Practice (Buch- und Medienpraxis) program at the Goethe University Frankfurt, final grade: 1.1.

Magister Artium, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, final grade: 1.1. | Subjects: Modern German Literary History (HF), Sociology and Islamic Studies (Arabic/Turkish). Islamic Studies (Arabic/Turkish). Topic of the master's thesis: “The Pecularity of Literary Discourse - Michel Foucault's Writings between Theory and Literature”.



Member of the International Forum of the City of Constance

since 2019  
Member of the Advisory Board of the Center for Integration Studies (ZfI) at the Technical University of Dresden

Member of the Advisory Board for the Exhibition “Race/Racism” at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden (DHMD)

Member of the Round Table Islam, Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration Baden-Württemberg.

Scientific consulting and project with the city of Constance on questions of integration and inclusion.

Curation of the special exhibition “The new Germany. Migration and Diversity” (07.03.2014 - 12.10.2014) at the Deutsches Hygiene Museum Dresden. A cooperation between the DHMD and the Cluster of Excellence “Cultural Foundations of Integration” at the University of Konstanz. 

Goethe Institute. Consultant for program work on migration and integration.

Mentor in the Master's program “Cultural Foundations of Europe” of the Cluster of Excellence “Cultural Foundations of Integration” at the University of Konstanz.

Teaching in literary studies, modern German literature and in international literature at the Universities of Konstanz and Tübingen, assessment and acceptance of BA, MA and PhD examinations.

Scientific Advisor and Expert for the Bertelsmann Foundation on the topics of Integration and Turkish Islam in Germany.

Internship at Suhrkamp Verlag in the editorial office Suhrkamp Wissenschaft, Frankfurt am Main.

Internship at the Orient-Institut Istanbul

Language teacher for German as a foreign language at the language schools bibis (TestDaF-Center) and Tandem in Bielefeld.

Language assistant (Turkish/Arabic) at the Language Learning Center of the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg im Breisgau.



Open Access Award of the De Gruyter publishing house for Narrative of Migration. AnotherGerman cultural history

Augsburg Academic Award for Intercultural Studies for the habilitation thesis Narrative der Migration und Integration in Literatur und Film. Another German Cultural History

Doctoral scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation

Participation in the Summer Academy in Alexandria of the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, “Cultural Mobility in Near Eastern Literatures - Literature and Borders. Delimitations. Transgressions”.

Scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation.

Awarded the Scheffel Prize for special knowledge of German literature.






Narratives of Migration. Another German Cultural History, Berlin: De Gruyter 2022 (761 pp.). Original Title: Narrative der Migration. Eine andere deutsche Kulturgeschichte. 

The Politics of Sociability. The Present and the History of the Intercultural Week. A Comparative Cultural Studies Investigation of the Medium-Sized and Large Cities of Gera, Jena, Konstanz and Offenbach, in: Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration, May 2021, 112 pp.

Cultural Boundaries. Autobiographies and Travelogues between Occidente and Orient. Konstanz University Press 2012 (196 S.). O.T.: Grenzen der Kultur. Autobiographien und Reisebeschreibungen zwischen Okzident und Orient.

Bathing with the Burkini in Public Pools: A Cultural Studies Analysis and Documentation of the Public Debate in Konstanz (2014), City of Konstanz and Bädergesellschaft Konstanz (61 pp.). O.T.: Baden mit dem Burkini in öffentlichen Bädern. Eine Kulturanalyse und Dokumentation der Konstanzer Debatte.

Between Integration and 'Parallel Society'. The Development of Turkish Islam in Germany, June 2007 (an unpublished expert report for the Bertelsmann Foundation).


Thomas Arslan: “Thinking in term of figures”. A conversation, Schüren Verlag 2023 (together with Prof. Dr. Bernd Stiegler). O.T.: „Von den Figuren her denken“. Ein Gespräch.

The Comedy of Integration. Drawing Boundaries and Identification of the Social. O.T.: Komik der Integration. Grenzpraktiken und Identifikationen des Sozialen, Aisthesis Verlag 2019 (with Prof. Dr. Deniz Göktürk (Berkeley) and Prof. Dr. Uwe Wirth (Gießen)).

The New Germany. Migration and Diversity in Germany Today, Transit, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2014, Berkeley University of California (with Gisela Staupe).

The New Germany. Migration and Diversity, companion volume to the special exhibition “The New Germany. Migration and Diversity” (March 7, 2014 - October 12, 2014) at the Dresden Hygiene Museum in cooperation with the Cluster of Excellence Cultural Foundations of Integration at the University of Konstanz, Konstanz University Press February 2014 (with Gisela Staupe (DHMD)).

The Integration Debate between Assimilation and Diversity. Demarcations in Theory, Art and Society, transcript May 2013 (co-edited with Prof. Dr. Andreas Langenohl (Giesen), Dr. Valentin Rauer (Frankfurt) and Claudia Voigtmann) 2013. O.T.: Die Integrationsdebatte zwischen Assimilation und Diversität. Grenzziehungen in Theorie, Kunst und Gesellschaft.

Conjunctions of Integration. Sociologia Internationalis, peer reviewed special issue 2012 (together with Prof. Dr. Andreas Langenohl (Giesen) and Dr. Valentin Rauer (Frankfurt)). O.T.: Konjunkturen der Integration.

Culture as Event. Fatih Akın's Film The Edge of Heaven as Transcultural Narration, (editor) transcript 2010. O.T.: Kultur als Ereignis. Fatih Akins Film Auf der anderen Seite als transkulturelle Narration.

Against Cultural Imperative. Migration, Culturalization and World Literature. O.T.: Wider den Kulturenzwang. Migration, Kulturalisierung und Weltliteratur, transcript 2009 (edited with Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich and Prof. Dr. Annette Werberger).



Broken Retraditionalization. The Burkini in Public Bath, In: Conflict-Space-Emotion, International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 19, 2025 [positively reviewed, in preparation for printing].

“Björn Höcke is not organizing an Intercultural Week.” The contact history of integration as the history of the Intercultural Week in Germany, O.T.: “Björn Höcke organisiert keine Interkulturelle Woche”. Die Kontaktgeschichte der Integration als Geschichte der Interkulturellen Woche in Deutschland (Special Issue, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 2024), in: Deutungskämpfe um Migration und Integration als Arenen gesellschaftlicher Selbstverständigung (Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft (hrsg. v. Lüthi/Möhring/Reinecke, Veröffentlichung 2025)) [positively reviewed, in preparation for printing].

Narrative repairs in Erich Maria Remarques Three Comrades (1938) and in Shida Bazyars Three Comrades (2021), in: Metz, Christian (2024, Gasteditor): Literarische Reparaturen/Literary repairs, Zeitschrift Figurationen gender – literatur – kultur 02/2024, S. 61-87. O.T.: Narrative Reparaturen in Erich Maria Remarques Drei Kameraden (1938) und in Shida Bazyars Drei Kameradinnen (2021). 

No Need to Fear Stereotypes. On a New Way of Dealing with Attributions and Discrimination, O.T.: Keine Angst vor Stereotypen. Für einen neuen Umgang mit Zuschreibungen und Diskriminierung, in: Zugehörigkeit in der Migrationsgesellschaft. Plädoyer für neue Ansätze in der Demokratiebildung, Dialog macht Schule. Das Sozialunternehmen, pp. 49-72.

The Sociability of Narrative. Freedom, Vulnerability and Mediation in the intercultural Novel, New German Critique, Volume 150, Number 1, Nov. 2023, pp. 51-60.

Leitkultur, in: Umkämpfte Begriffe der Migration. Ein Inventar, transcript, Bielefeld 2023, pp. 193-206.

From origin to neo-community. The #MeTwo allegiance beyond cultural identity and society, in: Following. A compendium of media of allegiance and processes of following, De Gruyter, Berlin 2023, pp. 73-86.

Leitkultur, in: Inken Bartels, Isabella Löhr, Christiane Reinecke, Philipp Schäfer, Laura Stielike (eds.),
Inventar der Migrationsbegriffe, January 30, 2023. Online:, DOI:

Scientific commentary on the Ditib Youth Study 2021, in: Migration und Soziale Arbeit, 44. Jg, Heft 4 2022, pp. 376-381 (together with Sarah Demmrich and Evelyn Bokler).

From cultural to negative identity. Ressentimental dynamics in contemporary migration literature, O.T.: Von der kulturellen zur negativen Identität. Ressentimentale Dynamiken in aktuellen Migrationsliteratur, In: Islam in Europe. Institutionalization and conflict. Ed. by Monika Wohlrab-Sahr and Levent Tezcan, Soziale Welt. Zeitschrift für sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, Nomos 2022, pp. 385-404.

„The Edge of Heaven“. Another Journey to the Origin. O.T.: „Auf der anderen Seite (2007)”. Eine andere Reise zur Herkunft, In: Die Filme Fatih Akins. Hg. von Cornelia Ruhe und Thomas Wortmann, Fink Verlag 2022, S. 175-199. 

Rupture instead of upheaval in the history of migration in the Federal Republic of Germany. Debate and analysis of the caricature 50 years of Turks in Germany. A success story, O.T.: Bruch statt Umbruch in der Geschichte der Migration in der Bundesrepublik. Debatte und Analyse der Karikatur ‚50 Jahre Türken in Deutschland‘,  in: Umbruch – Bild – Erinnerung. Relationship analyses in national and transnational contexts. Ed. by Carolin Führer and Antonius Weixler. Berlin: Gruyter 2022, pp. 247-263.

History and Present of the Intercultural Week, O.T.: Geschichte und Gegenwart der Interkulturellen Woche, in: Migazin, October 4, 2021;

The Burkini and the Question of Social Cohesion, O.T.: Burkini als Frage des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts, in: Blätter der Wohlfahrtspflege. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Soziale Arbeit, 5/2019, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 187-191.

Constitution and Public Spirit, O.T.: Verfassung und Gemeinsinn. In: Merkur. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Europäisches Denken, 72. Jahrgang September 2018, S. 20-32 (gemeinsam mit Daniel Thym).

The Orient in the Orient. Elger Esser's and Gustave Flaubert's Perspectives in the Near East. In: Elger Esser. Morgenland 2004-2016, Munich: Schirmer/Mosel 2017, pp. 25-32.

Discrimination and anti-discrimination as practices of dislocation. The Konstanz Burkini Case, in: Discrimination, Journal for Cultural Studies, Issue 2/2016, Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 49-61. O.T.: Diskriminierung und Antidiskriminierung als Praktiken der Entortung. Der Konstanzer Burkini-Fall.

Cultural Imbalances. The Burkini in the Public Bath as a Sign and Practice of Ambivalence, in: Kirsch, Thomas / Schlögl, Rudolf / Weltecke, Dorothea: Religion as Process. Concepts – Ascriptions – Motives – Limits, Ferdinand Schoeningh: Verlag für Wissenschaft 2015, pp. 91-112. O.T.: Kulturelle Ungleichgewichte. Der Burkini im öffentlichen Bad als Kennzeichen und Praxis der Ambivalenz.

From religious symbol to social function. Swimming in a burkini in public pools, In: AB Archiv des Badewesens 04/2015, Journal of the German Association for the Recreational and Medicinal Bath Industry, pp. 214-233.

Diversity as Social Utopia, in: Staupe, Gisela (ed.): Das neue Deutschland. Migration and Diversity in Germany Today (translated by Jillian Saucier), in: Transit, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2014, Berkeley University of California, p. 1-8.

Vielfalt als soziale Utopie, in: Staupe, Gisela (ed.): Das neue Deutschland. On Migration and Diversity, Konstanz University Press (with Gisela Staupe) 2014, pp. 6-11.

Narratives of Integration and Assimilation in Film, in: Langenohl, Andreas et al. (eds.): The Debate on Integration between Assimilation and Diversity. Boundaries in Theory, Art and Society, transcript 2013 (Sept.), pp. 187-210. O.T.: Narrative der Integration und Assimilation im Film.

Peripheries between Representation and Individuation. The Bodies of Minorities in Fassbinder's Films “Katzelmacher” and “Fear Eats the Soul”, in: Schößler, Franziska et al., Minoritäten bei Rainer Werner Fassbinder, transcript 2012, pp. 93-121.

„Tuning in …“: Autocommunication as cultural dynamic in Rainer Werner Fassbinders Fear eats the Soul“. O.T.: Auf Empfang eingestellt...”: Autokommunikation als kulturelle Dynamik in Rainer Werner Fassbinders Angst essen Seele auf (1973), In: Frank, Susi / Ruhe, Cornelia / Schmitz, Alexander (eds.): Explosion und Peripherie: Jurij Lotmans Semiotik der kulturellen Dynamik revisited, transcript 2012, pp. 247-267.

From Representation to Individuation: Generational Change in Cinema. In: Claudia Hahn-Raabe, Çetin Güzelhan, Johannes Odenthal (eds.): Fiction Occident: Artistic Productions between Germany and Turkey [Türkiye ve Almanya arasında sanat alışverişi]. No place of printing: Goethe-Institut 2011, pp. 110-112.

The Displaced Muslim, or the Precarious as No-Man's Land. A Cultural Studies Commentary on Sarrazin's Germany Does Away with Itself. EXC 16 Cultural Foundations of Integration. URL: (Oct. 2010; last accessed: Aug. 16, 2015).

Transgressions, or the Logic of the Body. Mohamed Choukri's Work: A Fusing of Eros, Logos and Politics, in: Angelika Neuwirth and Andreas Pflitsch (eds), Arabic Literature: Postmodern Perspectives, Saqi Books, London 2010, 461-470.

On gaps, borders and spaces. Translation relationships in Alejandro Gonzáles Iñárritus “Babel” and Fatih Akıns “The Edge of Heaven”. O.T.: Von Lücken, Grenzen und Räumen. Übersetzungsverhältnisse in Alejandro Gonzáles Inárritus „Babel“ und Fatih Akins „Auf der anderen Seite“. In: Özkan Ezli (ed.): Culture as an event. Fatih Akıns film “The Edge of Heaven” as a transcultural narration, Bielefeld: transcript 2010, pp. 71-88.

From intercultural to cultural competence. Fatih Akins globalized Cinema, O.T.: Von der interkulturellen zur kulturellen Kompetenz. Fatih Akins globalisiertes Kino, in: Ezli, Özkan / Kimmich, Dorothee / Werberger, Annette (eds): Against the Cultural Imperative. Migration, Culturalization and World Literature, transcript 2009, pp. 207-230.

Transcultural Movements in Contemporary German(-Turkish) Literature, In: Asiatische Studien – Études Asiatiques LXII, 4, 2008, pp. 1135-1146.

From identity to individuation – against the wall. A problematization of cultural attributions of identity, O.T.: Vom Modell zur Individuation. Gegen die Wand – Eine Problematisierung kultureller Identitätszuschreibungen.  in: Wohlrab-Sahr, Monika / Tezcan, Levent (eds): Konfliktfeld Islam in Europa, Soziale Welt - Sonderband 17 - 2007, pp. 283-304.

Lejeune and Foucault or: A name with no identity, in: Sagaster, Börte et al. (eds): Autobiographical Themes in Turkish Literature. Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives, Istanbuler Texte und Studien, Ergon-Verlag 2007, pp. 43-51.
The Development of Turkish Islam in Germany, In:

From the Identity Crisis to an Ethnographic Poetics. Migration in German-Turkish Literature, O.T.: Von der Identitätskrise zur ethnographischen Poetik, In: Literature and Migration, special edition edition text+kritik Munich 2006, pp. 61-73.

Borderless Psyche or the Collective Autobiography Mothballs by 'Āliya Mamdūh, O.T.: Grenzenlose Psyche oder die Kollektivautobiographie Mottenkugeln von 'Āliya Mamdūh, in: Ulbrich, Claudia a.o. (eds): From the Individual to the Person. New Concepts in the Field of Autobiography Theory and Self-Testimony Research, Querelles. Jahrbuch für Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, Wallstein Verlag 2005, pp. 205-222.

Ethnological Irritations. Poststructural Thinking on the Wrong Track, In: Lepper, Marcel a.o. (ed.): Jenseits des Poststrukturalismus? - Eine Sondierung, Peter Lang Frankfurt 2005, pp. 149-165.

Literary Speeds. A Comparison of the Autobiographical Texts of the Iraqi Authors Abd al-Qadir al-Djanabi and Aliya Mamduh, in: Neuwirth, Angelika / Winckler, Barbara (eds): arabesken / arabesques, figurationen 6. Vol. 2005, No. 1, pp. 53-66.

Transgressions or the Logic of the Body – Muhammad Shukrī's Literary Work as a Postmodern Constellation, in: Neuwirth, Angelika / Pflitsch, Andreas (eds): Arabische Literaturpostmodern, edition text+kritik, 2004, pp. 364-374.


Review of Lauren Stokes: Fear of the Family. Guest Workers and Family Migration in the Federal Republic of Germany, Oxford Studies in International History 2022, 304 pp. In: German Historical Institute London Bulletin, Vol. XLVI, No. 2 (November 2024), S. 119-130.

Falko Schmieder, Georg Toepfer (eds): Wörter aus der Fremde. Begriffsgeschichte als Übersetzungsgeschichte, Kadmos Verlag Berlin 2017, pp. 687-690, reviewed in: Zeitschrift für Germanistik, Neue Folge XXX-3/2020.

Frank Zipfel (ed.): Fremde Ähnlichkeiten. Die 'große Wanderung' als Herausforderung der Komparatistik, Metzler Verlag Stuttgart 2017, pp. 227-229, reviewed in: Zeitschrift für Germanistik, Neue Folge 2019.

Cador/Tschador (Murathan Mungan), Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (Fall 2012)

Against the asymmetric chitchat. Review of Stephan Guth's Brückenschläge - Eine integrierte 'turkoarabische' Romangeschichte, In: Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 10: No. 1, April 2007, pp. 91 - 94.

Research Focus

  • Literary, film and cultural analysis as cultural history between
  • Near Eastern and European regions (19th - 21st century)
  • Autobiographical literature from a transcultural perspective
  • German-Turkish literature and film history
  • Cultural and media theory
  • Theories of migration and diversity
  • Social science qualitative-cultural studies

List of Courses

  • Trauma in Literature Yesterday and Today. Comparison of Texts from Modern and Contemporary Literature, Summer 2025, University of Tübingen, International Literature. 

  • Overestimated Identity. Or how we can get involved with the community again, education programm for companies, DATEV Nuremberg, 17.12.2024/06.02.2025/03.04.2025, DATEV IT-Campus, Fürther Straße 111, 90429 Nuremberg.

  • Introduction to Modern Literary Studies – Historical Overview: Literature – Culture – Media, introductory lecture NdL winter term 2024/25, (with Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich, Prof. Dr. Sigrid Köhler, Prof. Dr. Eckhart Goebel, PD. Dr. Christoph Kleinschmidt, Prof. Dr. Evi Zemanek). 

  • Overestimated Identity. Or how we can get involved with the community again, education programm for municipalities, Stadt Essen, 24.07.2024/10.09.2024/19.11.2024, Melanchthon-Gemeindezentrum, Melanchthonstraße 3, 45147 Essen.

  • Väterliteratur Yesterday and Today, PS SoSe 2024, University of Tübingen, Modern German Literature, International Literature. 

  • Introduction to Modern Literary Studies – Historical Overview: Literature – Culture – Media, introductory lecture NdL SoSe 2024, (with Prof. Dr. Georg Braungart, Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich, PD. Dr. Christoph Kleinschmidt, Prof. Dr. Jörg Robert). 

  • Emotional Cultures in the Migration Society – Participation and Discrimination, Fall 2023/2024, (together with Prof. Dr. Levent Tezcan), Institute of Sociology, University of Münster. 

  • Resentment in Theory and Literature, Fall 2023/24, University of Tübingen, Modern German Literature, International Literatures. 

  • Introduction to Modern Literary Studies – Historical Overview: Literature – Culture – Media, introductory lecture NdL Summer Semester 2023, (together with Prof. Dr. Georg Braungart, Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich, PD. Dr. Christoph Kleinschmidt, Prof. Dr. Jörg Robert). 

  • Affect and Social Structures in Poetic Realism transculturally, HS WS 2022/23, University of Tübingen, Modern German Literature, International Literatures. 

  • Introduction to Modern Literary Studies – Historical Overview: Literature – Culture – Media (introductory lecture NdL winter term 2022/23, together with Prof. Dr. Georg Braungart, Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich, PD. Dr. Christoph Kleinschmidt, Prof. Dr. Jörg Robert). 

  • Slavery in Literature and Film, PS/HS Summer Semester 2021, University of Tübingen, Modern German Literature, International Literatures. 

  • Introduction to Modern Literary Studies – Historical Overview: Literature – Culture – Media, introductory lecture NdL Summer Semester 2021, (together with Prof. Dr. Georg Braungart, Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich, PD. Dr. Christoph Kleinschmidt, Prof. Dr. Jörg Robert). 

  • Introduction to Modern Literary Studies – Historical Overview: Literature – Culture – Media, introductory lecture NdL winter term 2020/21, (together with Prof. Dr. Georg Braungart, Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich, PD. Dr. Christoph Kleinschmidt, Prof. Dr. Jörg Robert). 

  • Cultural Theories of Oppression in Literature and Film. From Colonialism to Subalternity to Capitalism, PS/HS WS 2020/21, University of Tübingen, Modern German Literature, International Literatures. 

  • Introduction to Modern Literary Studies – Historical Overview: Literature – Culture – Media, introductory lecture NdL SoSe 2020, (together with Prof. Dr. Georg Braungart, Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich, Prof. Dr. Jörg Robert). 

  • Civilization and its Discontents. Sigmund Freud – German Immigration Society – Social Media, Fall/Spring 2019, University of Konstanz, Literature, Art and Media Studies. 

  • Ethnographies of Religious Body. (Prof. Dr. Rijk van Dijk – presentation of the Burkini report), Professorship of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (Prof. Dr. Thomas Kirsch, Universität Konstanz), Summer Semester 2017. 

  • Ethnographies of Religious Body. (Prof. Dr. Rijk van Dijk – presentation of the Burkini report), Professorship of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology (Prof. Dr. Thomas Kirsch, University of Konstanz), Winter Semester 2016/17. 

  • Breaking Bad: Seriality, Social Processes and Media Culture, Summer Semester 2016, University of Konstanz Literature, Art and Media Studies (with Prof. Dr. Isabell Otto). 

  • Montesquieu's Persian Letters, Goethe's West-Eastern Divan and Rifa'at-Tahtawi's A Muslim Discovers Europe, HS Summer Semester 2013, University of Tübingen as part of the interim professorship (W3). 

  • Cultural Studies Film Analysis. PS Summer Semester 2013, University of Tübingen as part of the visiting professorship (W3). 

  • Modern Autobiographies from a Transcultural Perspective. HS Summer Semester 2013, University of Tübingen as part of the deputy professorship (W3). 

  • Narratives of the Social and Political in German-Turkish Literature and Film. HS Summer Semester 2013, University of Tübingen as part of the deputy professorship (W3). 

  • Cultural Theories of Modernity, Fall 2013, University of Tübingen, as part of the interim professorship (W3). 

  • Interculturality as the Politicization of the Social in the Literature of Emine Sevgi Özdamar, Feridun Zaimoglu, and Zafer Senocak, Fall 2011, University of Konstanz, Cultural Foundations of Europe (MA program). 

  • Rhetoric of Secularization, Winter Semester 2010/2011 (with Prof. Christiane Frey and Prof. David Martyn), University of Konstanz, Cultural Foundations of Europe (MA program). 

  • German Social History from the Periphery: Minorities in Rainer Werner Fassbinder's Films of the 1960s and 1970s, PS Winter Semester 2010/2011, LKM, Literary Studies. 

  • German-Turkish Literature and Film, Winter Semester 2009/10, with Prof. Dr. Alexander Bernd Stiegler, at the University of Konstanz, Literature, LKM. 

  • Phenomena of Turkish Islam in Germany, Hohenheim Days: Migration – Integration – Minorities, March 26-30, 2007, Weingarten. 

  • The Development of Turkish Islam in Germany, Hohenheim Days: Migration – Integration – Minorities, April 6-10, 2006, Weingarten. 

  • Islam in Germany – Parallel Society? Hohenheim Days: Migration – Integration – Minorities, April 4-8, 2005, Weingarten. 



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