Physikalisches Kolloquium im Sommersemester 2022
Mittwochs, um 14:15 Uhr
Hörsaal N3, Hörsaalzentrum Morgenstelle
Rückfragen bitte per E-mail an Frau Prof. Dr. S. Andergassen: sabine.andergassen
Datum | Vortragender | Titel |
20.04.2022 | ||
27.04.2022 | ||
04.05.2022 | Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz | Trapped (Rydberg) ions as platform for quantum information processing |
11.05.2022 | Prof. Dr. Antonio Acín ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona | Network quantum information processing |
18.05.2022 | ||
25.05.2022 | Prof. Dr. Walter Hofstetter Goethe-Universität Frankfurt | Correlated Topological Quantum States in Ultracold Atoms |
01.06.2022 | Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Thomas Schäfer MPI für Festkörperforschung Stuttgart | Multimethod, multimessenger approaches to models of strong correlations |
15.06.2022 | Prof. Dr. Christopher Patrick Royall ESPCI-PSL Paris | Addressing the Scientific Revolution of the Glass Transition |
22.06.2022 | Dr. Melissa Santala Oregon State University | Thermodynamics and kinetics of crystallization of phase change materials for memory applications |
29.06.2022 | Prof. Dr. Torsten Fritz Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena | Lattice Epitaxy vs. Flexible 2D Crystals |
06.07.2022 | Bodo-von-Borries-Vorlesung Dr. Mikhail Eremets Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Mainz | Superconductivity near room temperature at high pressures |
13.07.2022 | Prof. Dr. Timo Betz Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | How fundamental physics leads the way to a better understanding of life's complexity |
20.07.2022 | Johannes-Kepler-Vorlesung - Verleihung des Dr. Friedrich-Förster-Preises 2022 - Festvortrag: Prof. Dr. Edgar Weckert DESY Hamburg | New Accelerator Driven Photon Sources: Unique Analytical Tools to Study Matter There will be a reception for all participants of the colloquium starting after the talk around 15:45 |
27.07.2022 | Prof. Dr. Thomas Franosch Universität Innsbruck | Non-equilibrium dynamics of active Brownian particles (ABP) - a paradigm in soft matter/biological physics |
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