Institut für Sportwissenschaft


  • Dierkes, K., Mattioni Maturana, F., Rösel, I., Martus, P., Nieß, A.M., Thiel, A., & Sudeck, G. (2021). Different endurance exercise modalities, different affective response: A within-subject study. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:686661. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.686661
  • Gropper, H., Mattioni Maturana, F., Nieß, A. M., & Thiel, A. (2021). Does becoming fit mean feeling (f)it? A comparison of physiological and experiential fitness data from the iReAct study. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 3(244). doi:10.3389/fspor.2021.729090
  • Mattioni Maturana, F., Philipp, S., Gunnar, E., Christof, B., Widmann, M., Munz, B., ... & Nieß, A. M. (2021). Individual cardiovascular responsiveness to work-matched exercise within the moderate-and severe-intensity domains. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 121(7), 2039-2059.
  • Mattioni Maturana, F., Soares, R. N., Murias, J. M., Schellhorn, P., Erz, G., Burgstahler, C., ... & Nieß, A. M. (2021). Responders and non‐responders to aerobic exercise training: beyond the evaluation of VO2max. Physiological reports, 9(16), e14951.
  • Gropper, H., John, J. M., Sudeck, G., & Thiel, A. (2020). The impact of life events and transitions on physical activity: A scoping review. PLOS One, 15(6). doi:
  • Gropper, H., Schubert, T., Mattioni Maturana, F., Mölbert, S., Srismith, D., & Widmann, M. (2019). Neues aus der dvs: Promotionsverbund "Individual Response to Physical Activity (iReAct) - A Transdisciplinary Approach" in Tübingen gestartet. Bewegungstherapie & Gesundheitssport, 35, 114-115.
  • Maibach, M., Niedermaier, M., Sudeck, G., & Kopp, M. (2020). Erfassung unmittelbarer affektiver Reaktionen auf körperliche Aktivität: Eine Validierungsstudie für deutschsprachige Versionen der Feeling Scale und der Felt Arousal Scale. Zeitschrift für Sportpsychologie, 27(1), 4-12.
  • Schubring, A., Mayer, J., & Thiel, A. (2019). Drawing careers: The value of a biographical mapping method in qualitative halth research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18, 1-12
  • Srismith, D., Wider, L.M., Wong, H.Y., Zipfel, S., Thiel, A., Giel, K.E., & Behrens, S.C. (2020). Influence of physical activity interventions on body representation: A systematic review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11:99. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00099.
  • Sudeck, G., & Thiel, A. (2019, in press). Sport, Wohlbefinden und psychische Gesundheit [Sport, well-being, and psychological health]. In J. Schüler, H. Plessner, & M. Wegner (Eds.), Lehrbuch Sportpsychologie [Coursebook sport psychology]. Berlin: Springer
  • Thiel, A., Sudeck, G., Gropper, H., Mattioni Maturana, F., Schubert, T., Srismith, D., Widmann, M., Behrens, S., Martus, P., Munz, B., Giel, K., Zipfel, S., Nieß, A. M., the iReAct Team. (2020). The iReAct study: A biopsychosocial analysis of the individual response to physical activity. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 17, online first. doi:
  • Widmann, M., Krauß, I., Janßen, P., Nieß, A. M., & Munz, B. (2019, in press). Biomarkers to monitor efficacy of exercise programs in multimorbid patients: Is inflammation the clue? Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin
  • Widmann, M., Nieß, A. M., & Munz, B. (2019). Physical exercise and epigenetic modifications in skeletal muscle. Sports Medicine, 49(4), 509-523. doi:doi: 10.1007/s40279-019-01070-4
  • Munz, B., & Thiel, A. (2018). Individualisiertes Training: Ein biopsychosozialer Ansatz. [Individualized training: A biopsychosocial approach]. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin, 69(6), 191-194. doi:10.5960/dzsm.2018.33
  • Thiel, A., Mayer, J., Gropper, H., & Keppler, V. (2018). Entwicklung eines Instruments zur retrospektiven Analyse biopsychosozialer Gesundheitsverläufe jugendlicher Leistungssportler: bioMAP. In Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft (Ed.), BISp-Jahrbuch Forschungsförderung 2017/18 (pp. 285-293). Hellenthal: Sportverlag Strauß.
  • Thiel, A., & Munz, B. (2018). Individualized training as a biopsychosocial challenge: Interlinking epigenetics, social sciences and psychology in sport scientific research. European Journal for Sport and Society (published online first). doi:10.1080/16138171.2018.1500116
  • Thiel, A., & Gropper, H. (2017). Sport in an individualized and digitalized society: More important than ever? European Journal for Sport and Society, 14(4), 287-290.


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