Bursik, J., Thiel, A., Kühnle, F., Burgstahler, C., Mayer, J., Reussner, A., & John, J. (2023). Figurationen des Schmerzmitteleinsatzes im Spitzenhandball: Risikogruppen für Schmerzmitteleinsatz in kritischen Situationen [Presentation at the 26. dvs Hochschultag 2023 in Bochum, Germany]
John, J.M. & Thiel, A. (2023). The relation between health and performance along the talent development pathways of elite athletes, musicians, and mathematicians: A qualitative study [Presentation at the 16th European Association for the Sociology of Sport Conference in Budapest, Hungary]
Eppinger, A., Thiel, A., Sudeck, G., Dierkes, K., John, J.M., Nieß, A.M., & Gawrilow, C. (2023). Well-Being of Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Ambulatory Assessment of Physical and Sport Activity, Social Contacts, and Screen Time [Presentation at the SAA Conference 2023 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands]
Eppinger, A., Thiel, A., Sudeck, G., Dierkes, K., John, J.M., Nieß, A.M., & Gawrilow, C. (2023). Well-Being of Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Ambulatory Assessment of Physical and Sport Activity, Social Contacts, and Screen Time [Presentation at the 37th Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society in Bremen, Germany]
Bursik, J., Thiel, A., Reußner, A., Burgstahler, C., Kühnle, F., Mayer, J., & John, J. (2022). Die FideliS Studie. Figurationen des Schmerzmitteleinsatzes im Spitzenhandball – Regulierungsmuster und Interdependenzgeflechte [Presentation at the 12th Sportspielsymposium der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft]
John, J. & Thiel, A. (2022). A narrative study on talent development pathways of elite athletes, musicians, and mathematicians [Presentation at the International Conference on Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise in Durham, Great Britain]
Bursik, J., John, J., Mayer, J., & Thiel, A. (2022). The role of psychosocial factors in the behavior of performing hurt: A systematic review [Presentation at the 1st eass & ISSA World Congress of the Sociology of Sport in Tübingen, Germany]
Seiberth, K., Thiel, A., & John, J. (2022). Trajectories of national identity development in youth elite sport. A study on German born football players with Turkish background [Presentation at the 1st eass & ISSA World Congress of the Sociology of Sport in Tübingen, Germany]
John, J. & Thiel, A. (2021). Sportliches Talent aus dynamisch-systemtheoretischer Sicht – Eine neue Perspektive auf Talent [Presentation at the 53. asp Jahrestagung in Tübingen, Germany (online)]
John, J., Gropper, H. & Thiel, A. (2019). Mapping biographies – A method for the analysis of the subjective history of physical activity. Oral presentation at the ISSA World Congress of the Sociology of Sport, Dunedin, New Zealand
- John, J. & Thiel, A. (2019). The role of critical life events in the talent development pathways of athletes and musicians: A systematic review. Oral presentation at the ISSA World Congress of the Sociology of Sport, Dunedin, New Zealand
- John, J. & Thiel, A. (2018). Developmental pathways of gifted individuals - a biographical analysis. Oral presentation at the 2nd Summer School of the international PhD program Bern-Tübingen "Interdisciplinary sport science", Sankt Moritz, Schweiz
- John, J. & Thiel, A. (2018). Developmental pathways of gifted individuals - a biographical analysis. Oral presentation at the international PhD Workshop "Culture, Sport, and Society", Tübingen.