Rieger, S., Lüdtke O., Trautwein, U., & Nagengast, B. (2021). The effects of covariate selection on the results of marginal structural models. In: S. E. Stallasch, L. K. Keller, & M. Brunner, (Chairs), From tools to theories: Wie nehmen statistische Modelle Einfluss auf unseren Erkenntnisgewinn? [Symposium]. Thementagung „Methodische Herausforderungen in der Empirischen Bildungsforschung“ der Gesellschaft für empirische Bildungsforschung, digiGEBF21.
Trautwein, U., Rieger, S., Gaspard, H., Göllner, R., Spengler, M., Nagengast, B. & Roberts, B. W. (2020, Apr 17 - 21). How Personality and Motivational Variables Develop Over Time and Why They Predict Academic Outcomes [Symposium]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA. http://tinyurl.com/wwoec22 (Conference Canceled)
Rieger, S., Göllner, R., Spengler, M., Roberts, B. W., Nagengast, B., & Trautwein, U. (2019, April). The Development of Students’ Academic Effort: The Unique and Combined Effects of Conscientiousness and Interest. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Toronto, Canada.
Rieger, S., Göllner, R. Dicke, T., Nagengast, B., & Trautwein, U. (2019, February). The prospective effects of class-average achievement on self-concept and achievement. Paper presented at the 7th meeting of the Association of Empirical Educational Research (GEBF). Köln, Germany.
- Rieger, S., Göllner, R., Spengler, M., Roberts, B. W., Nagengast, B., & Trautwein, U. (2016, July). What is more stable in adolescence, personality traits or motivational constructs? Paper presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Personality Psychology (EAPP), Timisoara, Romania.
- Rieger, S., Göllner, R., Spengler, M., Roberts, B. W., Nagengast, B., & Trautwein, U. (2016, March). Schätzung von trait-state Varianzkomponenten und Stabilitäten für Anstrengungsbereitschaft, Interesse und Gewissenhaftigkeit [Estimation of trait-state variance components and stabilities for academic effort, interest, and conscientiousness]. Poster presented at the 4thAnnual Meeting of the Association of Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Berlin, Germany.
- Rieger, S., Göllner, R., Zettler, I., & Trautwein, U. (2015). Die Bedeutung sozialer und dimensionaler Vergleiche für das Selbstkonzept von Drittklässlern [The importance of social and dimensional comparisons for the self-concept of third graders].Paper presented at the 3rd meeting of the Association of Empirical Educational Research (GEBF), Bochum, Germany.
- Rieger, S., Zettler, I., Göllner, G., Trautwein, U., & Hasselhorn, M. (2012). Weniger Interesse durch gute Mitschüler? Eine Studie zum Zusammenspiel von Leistung, Selbstkonzept und Interesse [Less interest through good schoolmates? – A study of the interplay of academic performance, self concept and interest]. Poster presented at the 48th meeting of the Congress of the Germany Society for Psychology (DGPs), Bielefeld, Germany.