Institut für Medienwissenschaft


Große Delegation des Instituts auf dem ECC 2024 in Ljubljana

Das Institut ist mit sieben Vorträgen auf der diesjährigen Jahrestagung der ECREA vertreten

Unter dem Tagungsthema "Communication & Social (Dis-)order“ halten unsere Institutsmitglieder zahlreiche Vorträge zu Themen wie Medienökonomie, digitaler Protest, Pressesystem, Mobilität oder Netzfeminismus.

Dr. Helena Atteneder 
Post-Digital City commuters' digital footprint: An integrated Framework for analysis

Selma Güney
"ur fav #hijabae on the internet": Subject positioning by digital Muslim feminists in Germany

Dr. Giuliana Sorce
Posting, sharing, channeling - Telegram media practices of the Identitarian Movement in Austria, Germany and Switzerland
Eco terrorists, climate criminals, culture rebels – Visual news representations of climate civil disobedience in Italy, Germany, and the UK
Speaking up and talking back through digital feminist interventions (Panel)

Prof. Dr. Martina Thiele
Mobility (dis)orders. Discourses of unequal access to the German railway services

Prof. Dr. Tanja Thomas
Speaking up and talking back through digital feminist interventions (Panel)

Dr. Mandy Tröger
How governments privatize: Germany's case of the Treuhand and the post-socialist press
