Dr. Björn Rudzewitz
Björn Rudzewitz ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Hector-Institut für Empirische Bildungsforschung.
Zu seinen Forschungsinteressen zählen die Arbeit mit intelligenten Nachhilfe- und adaptiven Lernsystemen, die Lernanalytik, sowie das Lernen und Lehren von Sprache, automatische Feedback-Erzeugung und Fullstack-Software-Entwicklung.
Hui, B., Rudzewitz, B., & Meurers, D. (2023). Learning processes in interactive CALL systems: Linking automatic feedback, system logs, and learning outcomes. Language Learning & Technology, 27(1), 1–23. https://hdl.handle.net/10125/73527
Rudzewitz, B. (2021). Learning Analytics in Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning (Doctoral dissertation, Universität Tübingen). [link]
Quixal, M., Rudzewitz, B., Bear, E., & Meurers, D. (2021, May). Automatic annotation of curricular language targets to enrich activity models and support both pedagogy and adaptive systems. In Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language Learning (pp. 15-27). [pdf]
Rudzewitz, B., Ziai, R., Nuxoll, F., De Kuthy, K., & Meurers, D. (2019, July). Enhancing a Web-based Language Tutoring System with Learning Analytics. In EDM (Workshops) (pp. 1-7). [pdf]
Meurers, D., De Kuthy, K., Nuxoll, F., Rudzewitz, B., & Ziai, R. (2019). Scaling up intervention studies to investigate real-life foreign language learning in school. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 39, 161-188. [link]
Ziai, R., Nuxoll, F., De Kuthy, K., Rudzewitz, B., & Meurers, D. (2019, September). The impact of spelling correction and task context on short answer assessment for intelligent tutoring systems. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language Learning (pp. 93-99).[pdf]
Meurers, W. D., De Kuthy, K., Nuxoll, F., Rudzewitz, B., & Ziai, R. (2019). KI zur Lösung realer Schulherausforderungen: interaktive und adaptive Materialien im Fach Englisch. Schulmanagement-Handbuch-München: Cornelsen Verlag GmbH, 169.
Ziai, R., Rudzewitz, B., De Kuthy, K., Nuxoll, F., & Meurers, D. (2018, November). Feedback strategies for form and meaning in a real-life language tutoring system. In Proceedings of the 7th workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language Learning (pp. 91-98).[pdf]
Rudzewitz, B., Ziai, R., De Kuthy, K., Möller, V., Nuxoll, F., & Meurers, D. (2018, June). Generating feedback for English foreign language exercises. In Proceedings of the thirteenth workshop on innovative use of NLP for building educational applications (pp. 127-136). [pdf]
Meurers, D., De Kuthy, K., Möller, V., Nuxoll, F., Rudzewitz, B., & Ziai, R. (2018). Digitale Differenzierung benötigt Informationen zu Sprache, Aufgabe und Lerner. Zur Generierung von individuellem Feedback in einem interaktiven Arbeitsheft. FLuL–Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen, 47(2), 64-82. [link]
Rudzewitz, B., Ziai, R., De Kuthy, K., & Meurers, D. (2017, May). Developing a web-based workbook for English supporting the interaction of students and teachers. In Proceedings of the joint workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language Learning and NLP for Language Acquisition (pp. 36-46). [pdf]
Rudzewitz, B. (2016). An Integrated Approach to Answer Selection in Question Answering: Exploring Multiple Information Sources and Domain Adaptation. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Computational Linguistics (M.A. Thesis).
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Rudzewitz, B. (2016, June). Exploring the intersection of short answer assessment, authorship attribution, and plagiarism detection. In Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (pp. 235-241). [pdf | poster]
Rudzewitz, B. (2015). Alignment Weighting for Short Answer Assessment. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Computational Linguistics (B.A. Thesis).
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Ziai, R., & Rudzewitz, B. (2015). CoMiC: Exploring Text Segmentation and Similarity in the English Entrance Exams Task. In CLEF (Working Notes) [pdf]
Rudzewitz, B., & Ziai, R. (2015, June). CoMiC: Adapting a short answer assessment system for answer selection. In Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2015) (pp. 247-251). [pdf | poster]
Wall, A. Ott, N., Ziai, R. & Rudzewitz, B. (2014, June). Macunaíma as a data source for the distribution and interpretation of bare NPs in Brazilian Portuegese: Corpus preparation and first annotation agreement results. Poster at the Third International Conference on Ibero-Romance Historical Corpora (CODILI 3). [poster]
Vorträge und Workshops
17/06/2023: Presentation “Erhöhung der Zugänglichkeit von Java Swing Anwendungen”, Tag der digitalen Freiheit 2023, Tübingen, Germany, summary
15/02/2023: Presentation “Einführung in X-Technologien 2: XML Schema”, XUGS Talk Series, invited talk, slides.
18/01/2023: Presentation “Einführung in X-Technologien 1: Xpath”, XUGS Talk Series, invited talk, slides.
08/11/2021: Presentation "The ICALL System FeedBook: Implementing Learning Analytics and Adaptivity in the English Classroom", ResetEdu conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia (video recording)
02/10/2021: Presentation "Learning Analytics und Adaptive Förderung: Zur Konkretisierung des Potenzials für den realen Schulkontext", ZSL Digitalkongress Baden-Württemberg
24/03/2021: Presentation "FeedBook: Ein interaktives Arbeitsheft für den englischen Fremdsprachenunterricht", Tag der Forschung: Digitalisierung in der Lehre, Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart
02/07/2019: Presentation "Enhancing a Web-based Language Tutoring System with Learning Analytics" at 2nd workshop of Learning Analytics: Building bridges between the Education and the Computing communities at EDM 2019, Montréal, Kanada.
08/02/2019: Presentation "Pro Learning Analytics" at Landesakademie für Fortbildung und Personalentwicklung an Schulen as part of the workshop "Chancen der Digitalisierung im Englischunterricht mit besonderem Fokus auf 2 Kompetenzbereiche (Schreiben und rezeptive Fähigkeiten)"
24/01/2019: Presentation "Developing an interactive workbook for English foreign language teaching" in the Proseminar Current Trends in Linguistics
02/10/2018: System demonstration of learning analytics in FeedBook at the INDUS meeting in Essen
20/07/2018: Presentation "Computerlinguistik am Beispiel des Projektes SFB 833 T1" at the Doktorandenkonvent summer school of the SFB 833
01/03/2018: Presentation "Feedback in the interactive online workbook FeedBook" at INDUS network workshop
19/12/2017: Presentation of FeedBook prototype in the proseminar "Current Trends in Linguistcs"
22/05/2017: Presentation of paper "Developing a web-based workbook supoorting the interaction of students and teachers" at the NLP4CALL Workshop 2017 (Gothenburg, Sweden) [link]
17/05/2017: Full-day workshop "NLP Technologies for Automatic Analysis of Language Productions" (with Xiaobin Chen) at the CALICO 2017 conference (Flagstaff, Arizona, USA) [link]
05/10/2016: Presentation of the FeedBook prototype at the SFB Days 2016 [poster]
16/06/2016: Presentation of the work "Exploring the Intersection of Short Answer Assessment, Authorship Attribution, and Plagiarism Detection" at The 11th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA-11) [poster]
13/05/2016: "A gentle introduction to UIMA" at the Oberseminar: hands-on session on UIMA's theoretical and practical foundations.
Get the slides here.
Get the materials here. -
17/02/2016: Presentation of Alignment Weighting at the KonferenzLE 2016 (link)
[ slides ] -
30/10/2015: Presentation of B.A. Thesis in the Oberseminar Linguistic Modeling and its Interfaces (link)
[ slides ] -
05/06/2015: Presentation of publication CoMiC: Adapting a short answer assessment system for answer selection. at the 9th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations (SemEval) in Denver, Colorado, USA.
[ poster ]
Winter Semester 2023/2024: Seminar Computergestützte Datenanalyse
Winter Semester 2021/2022: PS Introduction to Computational Linguistics
Summer Semester 2021: PS Text Technology (with Zarah Weiß)
Winter Semester 2020/2021: PS Introduction to Computational Linguistics
Summer Semester 2020: PS Text Technology (with Johannes Dellert)
Syllabus: pdf -
Winter Semester 2019/2020: HS CLUWLL: Computational Linguistics for User-Adaptive Web-Based Language Learning (with Johannes Dellert)
Summer Semester 2019: PS Text Technology (with Johannes Dellert)
Winter Semester 2018/19: HS COLEWE: Computational Lexicography on the Web (with Johannes Dellert)
Summer Semester 2018: PS Text Technology (with Johannes Dellert)
Winter Semester 2017/2018: HS Industrial-Strength Multilingual Language Analysis (with Johannes Dellert):
UIMA-based processing of large volumes of multilingual data emebedded in industrial-strength application frameworks -
Summer Semester 2017: PS Text Technology (with Xiaobin Chen)
Winter Semester 2016/2017: PS Programming Course Computational Linguistics (with Xiaobin Chen)
Summer Semester 2016: Tutor of the course Statistical Natural Language Processing
Summer Semester 2015: Tutor of the course Statistical Natural Language Processing
Curriculum Vitae
seit 07/2023
PostDoc Software-Entwickler
am Hector-Institut für Empirische Bildungsforschung an der Universität Tübingen
seit 2020
des LEAD Graduate School & Research Network
04/2022 - 06/2023
Fullstack Senior Software Entwickler und Teamleiter
bei der pagina GmbH
09/2021 - 03/2022
für B.A. Computational Linguistics an der Universität Tübingen
03/2020 - 03/2022
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
beim Projekt "DigBinDiff" an der Universität Tübingen
04/2017 - 09/2021
für M.A. Computational Linguistics an der Universität Tübingen
10/2016 - 02/2020
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
beim Projekt "FeedBook" (SFB 833) an der Universität Tübingen
09/2016 - 03/2022
am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Dr. Walt Detmar Meurers an der Universität Tübingen
09/2016 - 08/2021
Doktor der Philosophie in Computational Linguistics
an der Universität Tübingen
09/2015 - 08/2016
Master of Arts in Computational Linguistics
an der Universität Tübingen
08/2013 - 09/2016
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft
beim Projekt "A4" (SFB 833) an der Universität Tübingen
10/2012 - 08/2015
Bachelor of Arts in Computational Linguistics
an der Universität Tübingen