Prof. Dr. Mikael Mattlin 馬凱
Name: | Dr. Mikael Mattlin | |
Institutional Affiliation: | Department of Political Science, University of Turku, Finland | |
Department of Political Science
University of Turku
Arwidssoninkatu 2, rak. 2
20500 Turku, Finland
institute website
Mikael Mattlin is Professor of Political Science (act.) in the University of Turku, as well as Director and Principal Investigator for the Academy of Finland-funded ForAc-research project ( He was recently also Professor of Chinese Studies in the University of Helsinki, and Collegium Researcher in the Turku Institute for Advanced Studies (TIAS). Professor Mattlin’s most recent book Politicized Society: Taiwan’s Struggle with its One-Party Past was published in 2018 by NIAS Press (Copenhagen University). The book is a revised and expanded second edition of his acclaimed 2011 book. His peer-reviewed journal articles have appeared e.g. in The China Quarterly, Information, Communication & Society, Cooperation and Conflict, Journal of Contemporary China, Simulation & Gaming, Journal of Political Science Education, European Political Science, Asia Europe Journal, Issues & Studies, Internasjonal Politikk, China Perspectives and East Asia.
Selected Publications
Mattlin, Mikael (2012) “Dead on arrival: Normative EU policy towards China,” Asia-Europe Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2-3: 181-198.
Keukeleire, Stephan, Mikael Mattlin et al (2011) The EU Foreign Policy Towards the BRICS and Other Emerging Powers: Objectives and Strategies. Brussels: European Parliament, 49 p.【Link】
Mattlin, Mikael and Matti Nojonen (2011) “Conditionality in Chinese bilateral lending,” BOFIT Discussion Papers 14. Helsinki: Bank of Finland, pp. 1-36.【Link】
Mattlin, Mikael (2011) Politicized Society: The Long Shadow of Taiwan's One-Party Legacy. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 324 p.
Mattlin, Mikael (2009) “Thinking clearly on political strategy: The formulation of a common EU policy toward China,” in Bart Gaens, Juha Jokela and Eija Limnell (eds) The Role of the European Union in Asia. China and India as Strategic Partners. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 95-120.
Mattlin, Mikael (2007) “The Chinese government’s new approach to ownership and financial control of strategic state-owned enterprises,” BOFIT Discussion Papers 10. Helsinki: Bank of Finland, pp. 1-59. 【Link】.
Mattlin, Mikael (2006) “Party opportunism among local politicians after Taiwan’s power transition,” East Asia: An International Quarterly 23 (1): 68-85.
Mattlin, Mikael (2005) “Structural and institutional integration: Asymmetric integration and symmetricity tendencies,” Cooperation and Conflict 40 (4): 403-421.
Mattlin, Mikael (2004) “Nested pyramid structures. Political parties in Taiwanese elections,” The China Quarterly 180: 1021-1039.
Mattlin, Mikael (2004) “Referendum as a form of zaoshi: The instrumental domestic political functions of Taiwan’s referendum ploy,” Issues & Studies 40 (2): 155-185.
Current research interests
Dr Mattlin’s current research interests revolve around China’s changing roles in global economic governance, China’s externally-oriented economic policies and EU-China political relations.