
Prof. Huang Yu-Ling


Prof. Huang Yu-Ling 黃于玲


Home Institiution: School of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University
Duration of Stay: June 7 to July 2, 2024

Yu-Ling Huang is Associate Professor at the School of Medicine of National Cheng Kung University, where she is also affiliated with the Gender and Women Studies Center. Her research interests include sociology of health and medicine, sociology of knowledge and policy making, medical humanities and social medicine, gender studies, and COVID governance. As a sociologist teaching and researching in the medical school, she participates in several interdisciplinary research projects, including reproductive healthcare and policies, health communication of HPV vaccine, elder healthcare in Taiwan, and human rights and COVID governance. She has published in East Asian Science, Technology, and Society: An International Journal, Taiwan Journal of Public Health, and Taiwan Journal of Democracy.