

Virtuelle Theaterperformance "Silicon Woman"

Das Cluster Machine Learning lädt alle Theaterinteressierten zum virtuellen Play "Silicon Woman - the singing cyborg" ein. Das Theaterstück ist in englischer Sprache und virtuell, keine Anmeldung nötig.

Based on E.T.A Hoffmann`s phantastic novel “The Sandman” (2016) the theatre play “Silicon Woman” takes a deep look into the relationship of – mostly male – creators towards their – mostly female – artificial companions. Times and technologies have progressed: While Olimpia in Hoffmann`s novel can only say one single word (“Ach!”), robots are now able to indulge in dialogue, create emotional exchange and even deliver a poem here and there. But the basic story stays the same: In “Silicon Woman”, Nathan, the chief character-designer of Feminoid Robotics, while presenting his novel robot gets more and more drawn into the magnetic charisma of his own creation.

The event is open to the public. The play will be performed in English and will be streamed live on Youtube.
Registration is not required.

 For the play https://tinyurl.com/SiliconWoman
 For the discussion afterwards on Zoom https://zoom.us/j/91670801978

 The play is part of our 3rd Annual Conference "Machine Learning in Science".

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