
Dr. Lee Chun-Yi 李駿怡


Dr. Lee Chun-Yi 李駿怡

Institutional Affiliation:

School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham, England



 Dr. Lee was born in Taipei. She obtained her BA degree from Journalism and Communication, Fu-Jen Catholic University (FJCU), Taiwan. She was working in the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP) Taiwan Participatory Group/ Institute of International Relations, Chengchi University from 2000 to 2002. In 2003 December, she received her MA degree of International Studies: Asia Pacific Studies from University of Nottingham, U.K. In July 2008, she received her Doctorate degree from school of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham. 

Current Research Project

Dr. Lee's constant involvement in research testifies to her enthusiasm for and commitment to the field of Chinese Studies, International Relations and Political Economy. Her PhD study was funded by a studentship awarded by the University of Nottingham; it addresses the changing pattern of interaction between Taiwanese businessmen and the Chinese government. This research mainly asserts that although central and local governments fulfill different roles in attracting Taiwanese businesses; their interests are complementary, and these complementary interests influenced the Chinese government's interaction with Taiwanese businesses. Building on her PhD, currently Dr. Lee's research interest aims to investigate the influence of different foreign investors on Chinese workers and labour rights. Using interviews, participant observation and cases studies, this current project will examine the difference in labor treatment among foreign invested firms and the implications for Chinese society.


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