
Wang Anne-Chie 王安琪

Name:Wang Anne-Chie
Home Institution: Institute of Health Behaviors and Community Sciences, National Taiwan University
Duration of Stay:January 8 to February 9, 2025


Anne-Chie Wang is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica. She completed her Ph.D. in Sociology at National Taiwan University in 2022. Her doctoral dissertation, "Practicing a 'Good Death': Practices, Anticipation Work, and Expertise in Hospice Care," received Honorable Mention Awards from the Taiwanese Sociological Association and the Association of Science, Technology, and Medicine. Drawing on ethnographic observation and in-depth interviews with family members and medical professionals in palliative care units from 2019 to 2020, this study examined how hospice care networks in Taiwan have reconstructed culturally appropriate conceptions of death. The research highlighted the emphasis on patient autonomy and advance care planning while uncovering the complex and often invisible care practices integral to achieving a "good death."

Her research interests encompass the sociology of health and illness, death and dying, sociology of gender, and science and technology studies, with a methodological emphasis on qualitative research and ethnography. Her current research project, "Assembling Caringscape in End-of-life: Care Practices in Hospice Home Care," examines the constitutive elements of "home" embedded within conceptualizations of "good end-of-life care" and analyzes the unintended consequences emerging from the intersection of "home" and "good care" discourses. Through a critical lens, this project investigates the privatization of care and interrogates the shifting context wherein care responsibilities are increasingly configured as individual obligations within the private sphere. By examining the ongoing negotiations among patients, family caregivers, and medical teams, this research seeks to illuminate the heterogeneous landscape of care practices and elucidate how individuals construct and navigate their caregiving environments.

Her work has appeared in leading journals, including the Taiwanese Journal of Sociology (TSSCI), Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, and Technoscience, and the Taiwanese Journal for Studies of Science, Technology, and Medicine (TSSCI).



Peer-Reviewed Articles

Lu, Ching-Wen & Wang, Anne-Chie. 2024. "Negotiating Hopefulness: Communication in Family Meetings within Palliative Shared Care." Taiwan Journal of Hospice Palliative Care. 27(3): 213-227.

Anne-chie Wang, 2024, Caring for the Dying at Home: Care Practices and Expertise of the Family Caregivers. Taiwanese Journal for Studies of Science, Technology and Medicine. 38: 1-60. DOI: 10.6464/TJSSTM.202404_(38).0001  (In Mandarin)

Anne-chie Wang, 2023, Attuning to the Erratic End of Life: The Logic of Care in Hospice at Home, Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, and Technoscience. 9 (2): 1–18. https://doi.org/10.28968/cftt.v9i2.39526

Anne-chie Wang, 2021, Anticipation Work of Palliative Care: Scientific Knowledge, Affective Force, and Care Practice.Taiwanese Journal of Sociology (69): 53-99. DOI: 10.6786/TJS.202106_(69).0002  (In Mandarin) (full text

Academic Book Reviews

Anne-chie Wang, 2024, Book Review of Scripting Death: Stories of Assisted Dying in America. Taiwan Journal of Anthropology 22(1): 216-219. (In Mandarin) 

Anne-chie Wang, 2021, Book Review of The Spirit Ambulance: Choreographing the End of Life in Thailand. Taiwan Journal of Anthropology 19(2): 199-203. DOI: 10.7115/TJA (In Mandarin) (full text

Anne-chie Wang, 2021, Living and Dying Resiliently with a Wired Heart: Review of Oudshoorn, Nelly (2020). Resilient Cyborgs: Living and Dying with Pacemakers and Defibrillators. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan. Taiwanese Journal for Studies of Science, Technology and Medicine (33):195-201. DOI: 10.6464/TJSSTM.202110_(33).0005 (In Mandarin) (full text

Anne-chie Wang, 2019, Book Review of The Logic of Care. Forum in Women’s and Gender Studies 111: 70-75. DOI: 10.6256/FWGS.201910_(111).09 (In Mandarin) (full text