
Liao Bin-Jou 廖斌洲


Liao Bin-Jou 廖斌洲

Home Institiution:

Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University

Duration of Stay:

June 24th to Aug. 10th, 2012

Current Position

Ph. D. Student, Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University
Research Assistant, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica
Research Assistant, Project on “Idea of Oriental Despotism in Eighteenth-century Britain,” National Science Council


MA. Political Science, National Chengchi University. 2007
(MA. Thesis Title: Elites, Education and Representative Government: James Mill’s Political Thought)
BA. Public Administration and Policy, National Taipei University. 2003

Research Interest

History of Western Political Thought, especially of eighteenth and nineteenth-century Britain and of Christianity
Political Thought of Taiwan after 1945


Administrative Staff, Department of Public Administration and Policy, National Taipei University, August 2009 ~ December 2009.
Administrative Staff, Taipei County Government, August 2008 ~ July 2009
Military Service, Republic of China Army, September 2007 ~ August 2008
Research Assistant, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, January 2006 ~ June 2007
Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Course ”Religion and Politics” in Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University, February 2006 ~ June 2006
Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Course ”History of Western Political Thought” in Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University, September 2005 ~ June 2006
Editor, Political Science Quarterly Book Review, Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University, January 2006 ~ December 2006
Research Assistant, Project on “Religious Toleration: Dialogues between Political Philosophy and Theology,” National Science Council, August 2004 ~ July 2005


Liao, Bin-Jou. 2011. The Role of Taiwanese Nationalism in the process of Democratization in Taiwan. Local and Regional Governance Electronic Periodical, 5: 37-52.
Liao, Bin-Jou, 2005. Book Review of Harry Dickinson’s Liberty and Property: Political Ideologies in Eighteenth Century Britain (1977). Political Science Quarterly Book Review, 7: 41-44.
Liao, Bin-Jou, 2005. “Reconciling the Paradoxes of Pluralism and Liberalism in Isaiah Berlin’s Political Thought,” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Political Science.


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