
Prof. Chang Mau-Kuei 張茂桂


Prof. Chang Mau-Kuei 張茂桂

Home Institiution:

Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taipei

Duration of Stay:

May 16th, 2010 to June 3rd, 2010


Chang, Mau-Kuei is a research fellow of the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, and adjunct Professor of the Department of Sociology, Taiwan University.  His research and teaching interests include social movement studies, identity politics, and ethnic and nationalism. His recent publications include an edited volume titled “Nation and Identity, some thoughts of Waishengren ” (2010), the formation of multiculturalism in Taiwan, and the studies of in Taiwan. He has an edited volume (with Zheng, Yong-Nian) titled “Social Movement Studies on both Sides of Taiwan Strait” (Xin Ziran, 2002).  He received his Ph.D. degree of sociology from Purdue University in 1984, and has visited U.C. Berkeley and McGill University as Fulbright and exchange scholar; and has been a Visiting Chair professor at Leiden University of the Netherlands. He served as the President of Taiwanese Sociological Association (2008~2009).


In English


The Formation of Partisan Preferences in Taiwan's Democratization Process, 1986-1987.” In Hsin-huang Hsiao et al (eds.) Taiwan: A Newly Industrialized State, 314-344. Taipei: Department of Sociology, Taiwan University.


The Social and Political Aspects of Anti-Nuclear Power Movement in Taiwan.” In King-yuh Chang (ed.) Political and Social Changes in Taiwan and Mainland China, 108-136. Taipei: Institute of International Relations.


Social Movements and the Transformation of State-Society Relations: Taiwan in the Late Eighties.” Paper read at the Convention of American Sociological Association in Washington D.C., U.S.A., July.


Middle Classes and Social and Political Movements in Taiwan, Questions and Some Preliminary Observations.” In H. H. Hsiao (ed.) The Discovery of Middle Classes in East Asia, 127-176. Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.


The Anti-Nuclear Power Movement in Taiwan: the State, Capital and Grass-rooted Protests.” Paper read at the Convention of American Sociological Association in Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.A.


Toward an Understanding of the Shen-Ji Wen-Ti in Taiwan, focusing on changes after political liberalization. In Chung-min Chen et al(eds.) Ethnicity in Taiwan, Social, Historical and Cultural Perspectives, 93-150. Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.


From the Discovery of the Other to the Examination of Selfhood.” The Humanities Bulletin. Vol.4, Dec. 77-84. (Chinese University, HK)


Taiwan Studies, a Journal of Translations. Vol.2, M.E. Sharpe. (A Special Issue on Ethnicity in Taiwan, edited and with introduction by Mau-kuei Chang and Joseph Bosco)


Political Transformation and Ethinization of Politics in Taiwan.” In Schubert, Gunter and Axel Schneider (eds.) Taiwan an der Schwelle Zum 21 Jahrhumdert - Gesellschalflicher Wandel, Problem und Perspektiven eines Asiatischen Schwellenlandes (or, Taiwan on the Doorsteps to the 21st Century - Social Change, Problems and Perspectives of an East-Asian NIC), 135-152. Institut fuer Asienkunde, Hamberg, Germany.


Democratization and Nationalistic Conflicts in Taiwan: Comments on Alan W. Wachman's Taiwan: National Identity and Democratization (New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1994).” Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 28(3-4):78-81.


Civil Society, Resource Mobilization, and New Social Movements: Theoretical implications for the study of social movements in Taiwan.” Chinese Sociology & Anthropology, Volume: 29, Issue: 4.


Naming Aborigines in Taiwan: Colonial State, Party Politics and People's Movement.” Paper presented at the 14th Congress of World Sociology, Racial/Ethnic Studies Session, Montreal, Canada, August, 1998.


On the Origins and Transformation of Taiwanese National Identity.” China Perspectives, 28:51-70.


Understanding Contending Nationalist Identities: Reading Ernest Gellner and Benedict Anderson from Taiwan.” In Chapter 4 in Henders (eds.) Democratization and Identity: Regimes and Ethnicity in East and Southeast Asia, 67-93. Lanham: Lexington Books.

In Chinese


Chang, Maukuei and Wu Hsin-yi, “Education and It’s Influence on Tung-Du Inclinations.” Taiwanese Journal for Political Science. 2:107-189.


Chang, Maukuei, “Reflections on Identity Politics.” In You Yinglung (ed.) Democracy, Consolidation or Collapsing? 91-116. Taipei: Yuedan.


Chang, Maukuei and Yan Aijing, “Taiwan’s Aborigines’ Survey Attitude for Reserved Land.” Executive Yuan, Council for Indigenous People.


Chang, Maukuei, “The Reserved Area of the Aborigines and inter Relation between Yuan- Han Populations.” Conference on Taiwan Indigenous People’s Collective Rights and Human Rights. Taipei, November 17 to 19.


Chang, Maukuei, “Race and Ethnic Relations.” In Wang Chenhuan and Chu Heiyuan (eds.) Sociology and Taiwanese Society, 239-279 Taipei: Chuliu.


Chang, Maukuei, “Intellectuals, their roles and ‘gestures’.” Contemporary, 157:78-99.


Chang, Maukuei, “Review of Hsiao A-chin’s Contermporay Taiwanese Cultural Nationalism (2000, Routledge) and Lu Chien Jong’s Divided Nationalistic Identities (1999, China Times Pub).” Sociology Journal, 29:293-299.


Chang, Maukuei and Wu Hsin-yi, “Identity and Emotion in Nationalistic and Ethnic Related Discourse: Reflection on Dignity and Recognition.” In Lin Chia-Lung and Zheng Yongnian (eds.) Nationalism and Cross-Strait Relations,147-180. Taiwan Research Foundation Book Series, 2-6. Taipei, Xin-Zi-Ran Pub.


Chang, Maukuei, “The Contextualization of Sociological Research: Beyond the Dualism of Indigenization vs. Internationalization.” Cultural Study Monthly (an E-journal), 11, Jan. (http://www.ncu.edu.tw/~eng/csa/journal/journal_park75.htm).


Chang, Maukuei, “On the Formation and Problems of the Discourses of ‘Pluralism’ and ‘Muti-Culturalism’ in Taiwan.” In Xue Tian-dong (ed.) The Future Taiwan, 223-275. Taipei: Huatai Pub.


Chang, Maukuei, “Is Diaspora Permanet? A Review on Antonia Chao’s Daizhe Caomao Daochu Lyuxing.” Taiwanese Journal of Sociology. 28: 261-267.


Chang, Maukuei and Zheng Yongnian (eds.), The Study of Social Movements in Taiwan and Mainland. Taipei: Xin-zi-ran Pub.


Chang, Yufen and Maukuei Chang, “Examining the Relations between the Opposition Movement and Nationalism in Taiwan from the Licensed Prostitute Movement.” In Chang and Zheng (eds.) The Study of Social Movements in Taiwan and Mainland, 175-234. Taipei: Xin-zi-ran Pub.


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