
Cheng Ting-Wen 鄭婷文

Name: Cheng Ting-Wen 鄭婷文
Home Institiution: Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies, National Cheng-Chih University (NCCU), Taiwan
Duration of Stay: 10 January to 10 February, 2023


Cheng Ting-Wen is a PHD student in the Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies at National Chengchi University. She received her MA from the Department of Public Policy and Management, Shih Hsin University. She has extensive practical experience in the operation and implementation of cross-strait youth exchange activities, and has also been a front line observer of cross-strait relationship. These experiences have helped her to develop a more pragmatic perspective when analyzing and interpreting the political and social issues in mainland China. Her research will also focus on the operation of the party and government system and the formulation and implementation of public policies in Mainland China.


2017 Commissioned by the Mainland Affairs Council to conduct a study on "Research on How to Promote Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau Youth Thematic Exchange"


Participated in the 2022 "Strategic Research Community Joint Graduate Student Paper Presentation" and presented on the topic of The impact of virtual exchanges on promoting the integration and development of the Cross-Strait: An Example of Cross-Strait Youth Student Online Exchange Activities.


Participated in the "Mainland China, Cross-Strait Relations and National Development under the Global Change in 2021" Academic Seminar for Ph.D. and Master's Students and presented on the topic of From Formal to Attendance: A Preliminary Study on the Political Participation of Taiwanese CPPCC Members in the People's Political Consultative Conference.


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