Zentrum für Quantitative Biologie

Informieren Sie sich über unsere neuesten Produkte, Updates und Dienstleistungen auf https://www.info.qbic.uni-tuebingen.de/services.


Next Generation Sequencing (DNA/RNA)

  • Library preparation (including quality control and validation)
    • Genomic libraries with different insert lengths or PCR free
    • RNA-Seq libraries
    • Whole genome/Exome-Seq libraries
  • DNA/RNA sequencing using Illumina MiSeq, HiSeq 3000 and NovaSeq platforms, as well as PacBio Sequel and Oxford Nanopore sequencing.


  • Sample preparation for proteomics
    • Enzymatic digest
    • Fractionation of proteins (1D-PAGE) and peptides (isoelectric focussing (IEF))
  • Quantitative shotgun proteomics assays
    • Stable isotope labeling of aminoc acids in cell culture (SILAC)
    • Label-free quantification
  • LC-MS/MS measurements on high resolution platforms
    • Thermo Fisher LTQ-Orbitrap XL
    • Thermo Fisher LTQ-Orbitrap Elite
    • Thermo Fisher Q-Exactive plus
  • Quantitative targeted proteomics
    • Targeted MS2 assays using Thermo Fisher q-Exactive plus
  • Analysis of postranslational modifications (PTM)
  • Routine analysis of phosporylated proteins via TiO2 enrichment of peptides


  • Metabolomics profiling of metabolites (untargeted Metabolomics)
    • Waters Synapt G2
  • Targeted metabolomics
    • Absolute quantification using Biocrates chemistry
    • Quantification using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM)

Bioinformatics Analysis

  • Comprehensive analysis pipelines
  • Web-portal-based data visualization
  • Statistical assessment and support in biological interpretation

Structural Biology

Small-Angle X-ray Scattering is a powerful technique to study the structure and interactions of various systems with a typical size on the order of 1 nm to 100 nm. Particularly the properties of biological macromolecules such as DNA and proteins can be determined by SAXS.

The newly installed SAXS/WAXS system can be used for the following researches:

  1. Structure of materials (crystalline, amorphous, or porous)
  2. Solution structure of nanoparticles, colloids, surfactant, polymer or biomacromolecules (protein or DNA)
  3. Kinetics of phase transition, self-assembly, etc.

For more information about SAXS/WAXS please visit: http://www.soft-matter.uni-tuebingen.de/index.html?saxs.html.


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