
Ausschreibung im Bereich Physik


NSF-DFG Funding Opportunity for Collaborations in Physics

Proposals where the DFG is the lead agency can be submitted on a continuous basis

To facilitate the support of collaborative work between US groups and their German counterparts, the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Physics Division (PHY) and the DFG’s Physics and Chemistry division have recently agreed on a joint lead-agency process for projects in the area of Physics. US researchers are invited to consult the NSF Dear Colleague Letter (see link below). This funding activity includes only the areas described in the NSF Division of Physics programmes (see link below).
Support will be granted for those proposals with both DFG and NSF recommendation for funding. Proposals selected for funding will be funded by the NSF on the US side and by the DFG on the German side.

Timeline for Submissions

Proposals where the DFG is the lead agency can be submitted on a continuous basis. For proposals where the lead agency is the NSF, please refer to the NSF-Physics Division for specific timing of deadlines.

Proposal Preparation and Submission

Prior to the submission, applicants must discuss within their research team where they feel the largest proportion of research lies and agree on a proposed lead agency (either NSF or DFG).

The eligibility to submit a proposal follows the regulations for the NSF and DFG programmes for individual funding respectively.
Proposals must be submitted in accordance with the proposal preparation requirements of the chosen lead agency via Research.gov (NSF) and elan (DFG). All documents submitted to the NSF and the DFG must be in English. Within one week after submitting the proposal to the lead agency, the partner has to submit a copy of the proposal – in lead-agency formatting – to the non-lead agency (NSF or DFG) to input the necessary information and forms into the corresponding system.

Equity and Diversity

The DFG strongly welcomes proposals from researchers of all genders and sexual identities, from different ethnic, cultural, religious, ideological or social backgrounds, from different career stages, types of universities and research institutions, and with disabilities or chronic illness. With regard to the subject-specific focus of this call, the DFG encourages female researchers in particular to submit proposals.

Further information

Contact at the NSF:

Contact at the DFG:

For more information, please see the full call for proposals www.dfg.de/en/research_funding/announcements_proposals/2023/info_wissenschaft_23_50 
