


Marja Timmermans new member of European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)

62 life scientists elected as EMBO Members

Prof. Dr. Marja Timmermans. Foto: Gunther Willinger

The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) announces that 62 outstanding life scientists have been elected to its membership, joining a group of more than 1800 of the best researchers in Europe and around the world. One of the new members is Professor Dr. Marja Timmermans of University of Tübingen.

The members are actively involved in the execution of the organization’s initiatives by serving on EMBO Council, Committees and Editorial Boards, by evaluating applications for EMBO funding, by mentoring young scientists and by providing suggestions and feedback on activities.

The 53 newly elected EMBO Members reside in 17 Member States of the European Molecular Biology Conference (EMBC), EMBO’s intergovernmental funding body. The nine new EMBO Associate Members are researchers currently working in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan and the USA.

“It is a particular pleasure to welcome nine researchers based in seven non-European countries among the 62 new members,” says EMBO Director Maria Leptin. “EMBO has been actively pursuing ways to strengthen collaboration and scientific exchange through its Global Activities. Our international membership brings experience and connections that are an important component of our work.”

The new EMBO Members and Associate Members will be formally welcomed at the Members’ Meeting in Heidelberg between 24 and 26 October 2018.

An online directory with all existing and new EMBO Members is available at people.embo.org.

Selected statistics about this year’s intake

  • newly elected members reside in 24 countries
  • 22 new members (35.5%) are women
  • average age of newly elected members: 50.7 years

Press release of EMBO

Full press release with list of new EMBO members
