


Solidarity with Charles University Prague

Following the recent tragic incident, the President of the University of Tübingen, Professor Karla Pollmann, has sent a message of condolence to her colleague President Milena Králíčková:

"Dear President Králíčková,

We extend our heartfelt condolences to you and the entire Charles University community in the aftermath of the recent tragic incident on your campus. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of the victims, as well as those who have been injured in this senseless act of violence.

The close and long-lasting ties between our universities make this tragedy particularly distressing, highlighting the shocking reality that the perpetrator was a fellow student within the university community. Such violence from within our academic circles is deeply troubling and requires a collective response to foster healing and unity.

We stand in solidarity with Charles University during this difficult time and offer our support in any way possible. Our five Tübingen students studying at Charles University, fortunately, were not directly affected, but we recognize the emotional impact this event has on your entire community. In times of adversity, the strength of academic bonds becomes evident, and we believe that the unity and resilience of the Charles University community will guide you through the healing process. We are confident that the university will emerge stronger, and we are ready to assist in any way possible to aid in the recovery and rebuilding efforts.

Please accept our sincere condolences and rest assured that our thoughts are with you during this profoundly trying time.


Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. (Dōshisha) Karla Pollmann"
