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nf-core and Nextflow projects awarded Chan Zuckerberg Initiative grant

The nf-core and Nextflow projects have been awarded the “Essential Open Source Software for Science” grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. The grant will be used to fund coordination and events for the Nextflow and nf-core projects.

The CZI EOSS grants are specifically targeted at “open source software projects that are essential to biomedical research”. Nextflow is a software tool and language for writing bioinformatics analysis workflows. Pipelines built using Nextflow are highly reproducible and very portable, able to be run on virtually any computational infrastructure. The nf-core community builds open-source Nextflow pipelines that adhere to best-practice guidelines. The nf-core project was started by Phil Ewels (SU, KTH) at the SciLifeLab National Genomics Infrastructure, Sweden. Several members of the Quantitative Biology Center at the University of Tübingen are part of the core team or have been active collaborators. The project was recently published in Nature Biotechnology. 

The grant will fund positions to work on the two projects, enabling a roadmap of new technical features, improvements to project sustainability & maintenance, and new community events. One of the positions will be coordinated from QBiC and will involve maintaining nf-core tools maintenance and project sustainability.

For more information, please see the CZI EOSS website as well as the nf-core and Nextflow websites.

Gisela Gabernet
