
T-IES Summer School August

August 1 - August 29, 2025

(A) "The EU in Permanent Crises? Perspectives, Challenges, Solutions"
(B) "Representing the European Past in Cross-Cultural Communities"

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The program at a glance


  • August 1 - August 29, 2025 (4 weeks)
  • Arrival: Friday, August 1
  • Farewell Evening: Thursday, August 28
  • Departure: Friday, August 29


  • Application is possible all year long upon availability of places
  • An early application until March 2025 is recommended

Further information

Course Schedule

Academic Program

Subject courses

Students can choose between two Study Tracks:

  • Track (A) "The EU in Permanent Crises? Perspectives, Challenges, Solutions"
  • Track (B) "Representing the European Past in Cross-Cultural Communities"

Language and culture

  •  No German? No problem!
  • German language courses on the profienciency levels A1-A2
  • Intercultural workshop

Further information

Social Program

The program includes cultural activities as well as social gatherings such as a welcome and farewell reception, an intercultural evening, and a punting tour on the Neckar river.

You will get the chance to experience German culture, explore Tübingen and its surroundings - a perfect chance get to know your classmates and Tübingen students better and have fun together.


The courses are designed for undergraduate students from all academic disciplines with a strong general interest in cultures, Europe and Germany in particular.

A very good command of English and the willingness to actively participate during course activities are required.

Participants must be at least 18 years old.

Max. participants: 48 (max. 24 participants per Study Track)

Please note: Participants in the Summer School will not be enrolled as students of the University of Tübingen.

Credits & Grades

  • Subject courses: 6 ECTS credits (2 ECTS credits each course)
  • German language course and intercultural workshop: 2 ECTS credits

Further information


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