
How to Apply

The next call for applications is now open. Application deadline March 1, 2025

The next cohort of doctoral researchers will start in July 2025. 

Further information:

Doctoral researchers will be appointed on the basis of specifically defined research projects (P1 to P10). The recruitment process will be managed by a Trainee Selection Committee involving the PIs in Tübingen and the co-mentors from abroad. Applicants will be evaluated based on academic records and prior research experience. The best applicants will be invited for personal interview to Tübingen. Among the selection criteria are the applicant's practical and theoretical skills, work ethics, social competence, capacity and enthusiasm to undertake the training activities, and the expected impact of the GRK on their future career in academia or industry.

To apply for a fully funded PhD position in this program, please download the documents below and read the Application Guide carefully.


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