LEAD Graduate School & Research Network



LEAD Online Lecture

"Collaboration Analytics through Multimodal Data Storytelling"

In this lecture, Dr. Roberto Martinez-Maldonado from Monash University, Melbourne, showcases a series of studies aimed at making nursing activity in clinical simulations more visible. Roberto and his team have been co-designing Data Stories and Multimodal Learning Analytics (MMLA) solutions with nursing students and educators with the purpose of supporting teamwork and learning. These MMLA solutions involve the deployment of sensing technologies into simulated clinical spaces to capture traces of activity that can serve as evidence for reflection during the clinical debrief. Supporting nurses develop critical thinking and effective clinical skills is the ultimate goal of this research program. We are aiming at providing automated feedback to healthcare students and facilitators in a way the data can help them tell a more comprehensive story as a result of their clinical simulations and identify areas that need further development.

“Collaboration Analytics through Multimodal Data Storytelling”
Wednesday, July 7th, 2021 at 09:00am (MESZ)
Zoomlink: Please contact us via E-Mail if you would like to attend the lecture and we are happy to provide you with the zoom link: coordinationspam prevention@lead.uni-tuebingen.de

Dr. Roberto Martinez-Maldonado is a Senior Lecturer of Learning Analytics and Human-Computer Interaction in the Faculty of Information Technologies at Monash University, Melbourne. He is also a Jacobs Foundation research fellow. His research aims to co-create strategies and enabling technologies with educational stakeholders to support teaching and learning across physical and digital spaces. His developments are particularly focused on creating data-intensive solutions that enable learners and educators to interact with artificial intelligence outputs and data visualisations meaningfully
