
T-IES June 2025

Credits & Grades

ECTS Credits

After successful completion of all courses and fulfillment of all course requirements 8 ECTS credits will be awarded for participation in the Summer School (subject courses: 6 ECTS credits; German language course and intercultural workshop: 2 ECTS credits).

The University of Tübingen applies the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). The ECTS is a system for international recognition of academic achievements and transfer of study credits. Thus, study and examination performance achieved during a study abroad can be recognized by the home university.

At the University of Tübingen 1 ECTS equals a workload of 30 hours. The workload comprises regular presence and active participation in the courses, private and independent study, preparation of projects and examinations (e.g. written test, oral presentation, essay). The attendance at a course of 45 min will be counted as 1 contact hour (60 min).

Transfer of ECTS Credits

Participants of the Summer School who would like to transfer credits at their home university are strongly recommended to contact their Academic Advisor and ask for credit and grade approval. 


Each course concludes with a written exam at the end of the program. The grade of each course will be calculated by the result of the written exam and active participation in class. Active participation in class as well as during excursions includes attendance, asking questions, taking part in discussions, showing interest and giving presentations.

Tübingen International & European Studies grading scheme:

1,0/1,3/1,5          very good
1,7/2,0/2,3/2,5    good
2,7/3,0/3,3/3,5    satisfactory
3,7/4,0                sufficient
5                         fail

The overall grade within a module will be determined by the average of grades received in each respective course. The overall grade of each module will be as follows:

for an average of up to 1,00 = very good

for an average from 1,01 up to 2,00 = good

for an average from 2,01 up to 3,00 = satisfactory

for an average from 3,01 up to 4,00 = sufficient

for an average from 4,01 = not sufficient

Certificate & Transcript

After successful completion of all requirements of the Summer School students will receive a Certificate of Attendance and a Transcript of Records which shows the course titles, contact hours, the grading and ECTS credits earned.


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