

Universität Tübingen steht an der Seite ihrer israelischen Partner

Die Universität Tübingen steht angesichts der furchtbaren Terrorattacken der Hamas-Bewegung fest an der Seite ihrer israelischen Partner. In einem Brief an die Direktoren dreier Universitäten und des Weizmann-Instituts für Wissenschaften schrieb Rektorin Professor Dr. Karla Pollmann: 

“I trust this message finds you well, despite the challenging circumstances currently faced by Israel and its people. On behalf of the University of Tübingen, I extend our heartfelt sympathy during these trying times. 

We are closely monitoring the ongoing situation in Israel with deep concern and unease. Please be assured that we are profoundly moved by the hardships your university and nation are enduring due to the current circumstances. Universities serve as lighthouses of knowledge and enlightenment, consistently playing a vital role in advancing progress. The disruptions and uncertainties caused by conflict can be profoundly distressing for students, faculty, and staff. However, universities also play a vital role in overcoming cruelties like the attack on Israel. It therefore is in these very moments of hardship that the resilience and strength of institutions like yours are of utmost importance.

As you navigate through these challenging times, please know that we stand with you, unwavering in our commitment to the values of education and peace. Our thoughts are with you, and we sincerely hope that the situation will evolve for the better in near time.”

Die Universität Tübingen unterhält Kooperationen mit der Hebrew University in Jerusalem, der Ben-Gurion-Universität in Be'er Scheva und der Universität Haifa. Ein weiterer wichtiger Kooperationspartner ist das Weizmann-Institut für Wissenschaften in Rehovot. 

Karl G. Rijkhoek
