

28.11.2024 | Dezernat II Forschung, Abteilung Exzellenzstrategie, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Geographisches Institut

Deep Earth Query: Information Discovery from Big Earth Observation Data Archives

Hochschulöffentlicher Vortrag


28.11.2024 16:15 Uhr


Hörsaal 23, Kupferbau, Hölderlinstr. 5


Prof. Dr. Begüm Demir

Weiterführende Informationen : https://uni-tuebingen.de/de/221946

Prof. Dr. Begüm Demir is a professor at TU Berlin, she is founder and head of the Remote Sensing Image Analysis (RSiM) group at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and head of the Big Data Analytics for Earth Observation group at the Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (BIFOLD). Prof. Demir will give a public lecture about her scientific research activities which lie at the intersection of machine learning, remote sensing and signal processing. Specifically, she performs research in the field of processing and analysis of large-scale Earth observation data acquired by airborne and satellite-borne systems.

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(Vortrag in englischer Sprache)
