
Instructions for C-Test

(mandatory for TÜ-VIP courses „Living and Studying“ and „Think Globally“)

The test can be found here:


When the page opens you will see a window in German. Please fill in your information as follows: Instead of ‘Matrikelnummer‘, you fill in a combination of your birthday as well as the initials of your name. Here are two examples:

Harry Potter and Pélé:

  • Harry Potter, born 31. July 1980 would be: 31071980HP  
  • Pélé Edson Arantes do Nascimento, born 23. Oct. 1940 would be: 23101940PE

Then click „weiter zum Test“, which means ‘continue’.


This test is optimized for the Firefox browser and you must allow pop-ups in the browser settings at all times. The pop-up blocker (and/or any additional plug-in that blocks pop-ups) must be disabled, otherwise the result will not be transmitted at the end of the test! Please also note, that the test cannot be repeated with the same link.  

How to disable pop-up blockers in Firefox:

  1. Open your Firefox browser
  2. Click the Menu button, then select Options
  3. Select Privacy & Security
  4. Under Permissions, uncheck Block pop-up windows to disable the pop-up blocker

It is completely normal that it takes a while until the test is loaded by the browser. Therefore, we ask you to wait a little, if it takes a little longer to open the test. If you encounter a message "possible security risk" by your browser, you can ignore this warning message and continue clicking. The university's servers are secure and trustworthy. In this case, make sure to click on ‘access website anyway’. We would ask you to work on the test with the utmost conscientiousness. Please create real exam conditions for yourself. Remove any things that might distract you during the test.
In particular, your cell phone should not be within your reach. Please refrain from using any aids during the C test, as this would cost you precious time. It is also best to not spend too much time on one testlet but rather continue to the next. There are 6 short testlets and you’ll have 30 minutes for all of them.

The way this test works is, that you have to fill in the missing parts of every second word. The length of the gaps corresponds to about half of word: e.g. „op__“ could be „open“ or „opera“ but not „opportunity“. Other than that, you will not have to type in a gap by pressing your spacebar at all times.

At the end, you will see your result as a number between 0 and 125. Please enter this number in the TÜ-VIPP admissions form.

Here is an example of what a C-Test testlet could look like:


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