
TÜ-VIP Alumni

Participating in TÜ-VIP was an amazing experience. I learned a lot, met great teachers from one of the most prestigious universities in the world, and made many friends. Many times, even though it was online, I felt like I really was in Tübingen! Thank you very much, University of Tübingen, for everything, I really loved the program.

Daniel, Brazil

" The program provided me with a very enriching experience because it was my first contact with a different university system and specifically the course I chose illuminated exactly what I was expecting. To those of you who are looking for an experience at a foreign university, want to meet young people from all over the world and discuss common issues, while also having a good time, this is your opportunity. Excellent teachers and young people with energy. Definitely an important plus for the future! "

Lina Roka, Greece


" I would totally recommend the program to any person that pretends to study abroad and wants to deepen his knowledge in some topic. Also, I would like to highlight that having classmates from all around the world enriches the debate and helps achieving a higher level of analysis because of the opposed perspectives. ”

Javiera Rojas Rojas, Chile


“ If you are a person who enjoys diversity and lifelong learning, then this programme is for you. The programme gives you an insight in what you can expect when going to pursue a degree at the university, and ignites an interest in wanting to learn more about the university. “

Gracia Mayombo, Democtratic Repblic of the Congo

" Through European lenses, I learned about Freedom of Expression, what it means, what it entails, what it calls for and the implications of its violation. I also learned about the important institutions or bodies that work to defend, promote and uphold the freedom of expression and other human rights, e.g. European Convention on Human Rights, the European Union and its member states, and the International Criminal Court. Freedom of Expression in Europe is increasingly under great threat, and more needs to be done to protect the freedom of individuals, the press and institutions to express themselves without fear of being persecuted. But with freedom comes responsibility and this responsibility needs to be exercised diligently because there is a fine line between freedom of speech and hate speech. "

Aletta Smith, South Africa


" I really enjoyed the TÜ-VIP program, because we had a very international virtual classroom that offered us the possibilty to listen to voices from all over the world, which is an incredibly enriching experience. "

Isabel Kübler, Germany


" My Story... The programme shifted several things for me. It reinforced two things for me almost many. First, the power in diversity. Second, social problems are complex and nuanced; our engagements with them must be nuanced. I recommend this programme for the community a person would find themselves – I was in class with people from over 25 countries around the globe. Our unique socialisation made learning fun and rich. I think anyone who realise that we are an interwoven world and need one another should take this programme. I especially like this programme because I felt safe, and the lecturers were particularly respectful. The community I belong(ed) is a serious highlight – we need to build inclusive communities. ”

Larry Erhuvwuoghene Onokpite, Nigeria


" The special things I have liked in this program especially intercultural communication course, was sharing ideas in different aspect of culture in our countries such as; food, clothing, dancing, special days and greetings. “ 

Gentil Hategekimana, Rwanda


" I really enjoyed taking part in your programme! It resulted in me applying for a year abroad at your university. During the online meetings I learnt a lot about living in Tübingen (and Germany in general) from the characteristics of the university to local politics. Thank you for providing such an interesting opportunity! “

Joanna Urbańczyk, Poland


" I like this program because it make me realize the cultural differences all over the world and make a lot of friends too. This program also  inspire, motivate and made  me feel more confident a excited about pursuing my master degree in the university so I will recommend to all the people that wants to study there to enter the Programm so they can learna little bit more about the culture in Germany. ”

Mariana del Rocio Segura, Mexico

Amazing intercultural experience with wonderful people. Tü-Vipp program was a great opportunity not only to learn new academic content, but also to meet new people from different cultures. Teachers were excellent, highly qualified. They always solve our doubts and understand particular situations. Classes were very dynamic, funny and also with a lot of teamwork! Thanks a lot!

Consuelo, Argentina

And here are a few words of encouragement from Thabang in South Africa..!

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