
S2 Basic Modeling and Data Services

People Involved

Principal Investigators

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Olaf A. Cirpka

University of Tübingen, Hydrogeology

Prof. Dr. Thilo Streck

University of Hohenheim, Biogeophysics


Dr. Michael Finkel

Senior Scientist, University of Tübingen, Hydrogeology

Objectives and Support Services

The service projects S1 and S2 provide essential every-day support to the researchers in P1-8 and INF, and contribute significantly to the success of CAMPOS.

The service project S2 coordinates and supports CAMPOS researchers in undertaking their modeling activities (P2-P4, P7,P8) and managing their research data (P1-P8).


The overall objectives of service project S2 are to promote the integrated research in CAMPOS through coordination, development of reference models and facilitated data exchange and common use of data. Specifically, S2

  • coordinates all modeling activities in CAMPOS to ensure information exchange and consistency in modeling
  • maintains and advances the 3-D catchment-scale flow model as reference model and planning tool for field activities,
  • supports the data infrastructure project INF in the development and implementation of the CAMPOS research data management framework,
  • provides the essential link between computer scientists and CAMPOS researchers, and
  • organizes the involvement of both scientists and technicians in research data management.

Supporting Services

S2 offers several services to support CAMPOS researchers in doing their research:

  • synthesis of data from CAMPOS field campaigns for their use as model input parameters or model calibration variables;
  • provision of continuous model data on hydraulic heads in the subsurface, water stages and discharges in the streams, velocities within all compartments, and on water residence time;
  • maintenance of the CAMPOS Data Cockpit;
  • help in organizing and creating metadata to properly describe research data;
  • acquisition of data;
  • individual support of the researchers in preparing, formatting, and ingesting their research data;
  • individual support of the researchers in all issues concerning software use and modeling.



High-resolution Geological Model
3-D-flow model of the Ammer catchment
Data Management Framework


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