
Ausschreibung im Bereich Geowissenschaften


Excellence Strategy: Announcement of workshops for PhD students 2024

Deadline: 15. March / 15. September

In addition to the offers of the Graduate Academy, the funding program primarily serves the qualification of PhD students. The aim of the workshops is to expand the interdisciplinary and international networking of young academics in addition to their scientific and methodological skills.

Target Group:
All PhD students of the University of Tübingen who are members or relatives of the University of Tübingen are eligible to apply (see §§ 7 and 8 Grundordnung).


  • Funding is provided for 2 to 4 days events that address scientific topics of interdisciplinary relevance.
  • In view of the international orientation of the event and the desired participation of international guest speakers, it should be conducted in English.
  • The University of Tübingen aims to reduce existing disadvantages for women. For this reason, a balanced gender ratio must be considered when selecting participants.
  • In principle, the planned event should be open to all members of the University of Tübingen. In justified individual cases, the number of participants may be limited.
  • The workshops may not be applied for to finance existing events or series of events.

For the implementation of the Workshops, funding up to a maximum of 6,500 € can be applied for as follows:

  • student assistants for support during the event days (please take employer's contribution into account)
  • accommodation for up to 10 external and actively contributing PhD students (max. 95 € per night incl. breakfast)
  • travel expenses (flight - economy class, train - 2nd class) and accommodation (max. 95 € per night incl. breakfast) for 1 to 2 guest speakers
  • catering (max. 60 € per person and day, please also consider the dinner mentioned below)
  • coffee breaks
  • lunch snacks
  • dinner
  • once per event
  • max. 40,00 € per person
  • only for active contributors named in the program (speakers, moderators, organizers)
  • for online and hybrid events
  • technical equipment and support
  • professional recording, live streaming and archiving

Funding Period:
The event is to be held within one year of submission of the application.

Application Deadline
15.03. / 15.09. each year

The decision on the applications is made after an evaluation by the Research Commission of the University of Tübingen.
Application Procedure:

  • Applications must be submitted via the online application portal.
  • You will find a summary of the application guidelines in the internal section (registration with university login).
  • Please also submit the form Declaration & Fact sheet (signed by the head of the institute and the dean) as an original. You can download the form from the internal section of the Excellence Strategy.

Application Scope:
max. 5 pages

Dr. Dörte Ißleib
+49 7071 / 29 -75010
exuspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

More information:
