
Geowissenschaften / Geosciences - Master

Eckdaten zum Studiengang

Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät



4 Semester

Kombinationsfach erforderlich?

Bewerbungsfrist 1. Fachsemester

Bewerbungsfrist für Deutsche, EU-Bürger/innen und Bildungsinländer/innen 
Sommersemester: 15.03
Wintersemester: 15.09

Bewerbungsfrist für Nicht-EU-Bürger/innen
Sommersemester: 15.01
Wintersemester: 15.07

Gilt für alle Bewerber/innen mit deutscher oder EU-Hochschulzugangsberechtigung.

Wintersemester, Sommersemester


Beiträge und Gebühren

Jetzt bewerben

Voraussetzung und Bewerbung

  • Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in geosciences or a related field with an overall grade (CGPA) equivalent to or better than 3,0 in the German grading system
  • basic skills in General Geology, Mineralogy, Paleontology and Sedimentology
  • sound science background from the prior Bachelor program in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
  • English language proficiency equivalent to CEFR level B2 (e.g. TOEFL 79 iBT, IELTS 6.5, a degree with English as the medium of instruction, a German Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (Abitur) with B2 confirmation)

For further information see the Geosciences website; to apply for the program please follow the online application procedure on the University's website.

English language proficiency equivalent to CEFR level B2

Details zum Studiengang

With more than 20 subject areas, almost every subdiscipline of geosciences is represented within research and teaching in Tübingen. This fact also results in a high level of personal supervision for students who can contact the lecturers directly (or via the student council) with questions and problems.
The Master's program Geosciences is a research-oriented program. Based on the fundamentals and methodological knowledge gained within the Bachelor's program, advanced geoscientific expertise is acquired from within the specific subject areas of geodynamics, mineralogy, biogeology and exploration geology. Students will learn to recognize geoscientific questions within a scientific context and to independently collect, analyze and interpret data. Furthermore, using appropriate methodologies, the students will learn to critically evaluate and use the scientific literature.

The range of courses is divided into three subject areas, from which students can choose one as their area of specialization:

  • Mineralogy
  • Paleontology
  • Geodynamics and Geophysics

Alternatively, students can complete their studies without specialization.

for detailed information see the Geosciences website

Geosciences in Tübingen offer:

  • one of the largest and most diverse geoscience departments in Germany, where the entire spectrum of geoscientific teaching and research is represented
  • a research-oriented study program in the classical basic sciences as well as in the applied geo-disciplines
  • cutting-edge research with diverse contacts to universities abroad

The research environment of the geoscientific working groups at the University of Tübingen is characterized by diverse national and international scientific collaborations:

These excellent research activities and contacts allow students to learn about the wealth of geoscience research from applied geology and applied mineralogy, to structural geology, petrology, geochemistry, geophysics, micro- and vertebrate paleontology, and biogeology.

The Master's program in Geosciences is designed for a standard study period of two years. For a successful degree, students acquire 120 credit points from a program of 5 compulsory modules (30 CP), 10 elective modules (60 CP) and the Master's thesis (30 CP).
Students can focus on one of three specializations (Mineralogy, Paleontology or Geodynamics and Geophysics) or finish the program without specialization.

Detailed information on the study contents can be found in the Module Handbook.

A study abroad period is not expected.
For an optional study abroad you find information here: Erasmus+ program in Geosciences

Freiwilliger Auslandsaufenthalt
In jedem Studiengang ist ein freiwilliger Auslandsaufenthalt möglich. Mit der Planung sollte ca. ein bis eineinhalb Jahre vor der Abreise begonnen werden. 
Weitere Informationen und Beratung zum Auslandsstudium finden Sie auf der fachübergreifenden Seite Wege ins Ausland. Zudem bieten einige Fächer auch eigene Informationen zu Auslandsaufenthalten an. 

The Module Handbook of the M.Sc. Geowissenschaften / Geosciences describes the qualification goals and structure of the program, will help you to plan your studies and select the right modules, and specifies the study contents (type and scope of all modules, their courses, prerequisites and exams).

Entscheidungshilfe bei der Studienwahl

Entscheidungshilfen für ein Erststudium

Die Universität bietet Hilfen zur Entscheidungsfindung an. Dazu gehören z.B. der Besuch von Lehrveranstaltungen, Orientierungsveranstaltungen zu Studienwahlthemen sowie verschiedene Beratungsangebote. Weitere Hinweise finden Sie auf den Seiten für Studieninteressierte.

Entscheidungshilfen für Masterstudiengänge

Bei der Studienwahlentscheidung für die Masterstudiengänge spielen Spezialisierung, Schwerpunktsetzung und forschungs- sowie berufsbezogene Kriterien eine Rolle. Für Interessierte an Masterstudiengängen gibt es eine Vielzahl an Orientierungshilfen wie z.B. den Besuch von Lehrveranstaltungen und spezielle Beratungs- sowie Informationsangebote (z.B. Zentrale Studienberatung, Studienfachberatung, Career Service). Nähere Informationen finden Sie unter Beratung und Information.

Nach dem Studium

In line with the breadth of the Master's programme, the career prospects that result from this are broadly diversified. A permanent intensive cooperation and collaboration of numerous working groups with the industry enables the students to have a successful start in their professional life as valuable contacts can already be made during the studies.

Through the special integrative working methods of the geosciences and the well-founded education in subject-specific contents, core competences and key qualifications, the students are also in the best position to work interdisciplinary. This ability makes them just as attractive for their own specialist questions as for general fields of activity.

The wide range of job opportunities for graduates include

  • Research opportunities both within universities and beyond
  • Local, regional and federal governments and agencies
  • Steering committees in the public and private sector
  • Climate change policies, environmental protection, soil conservation
  • Exploration for oil, gas and ore deposits
  • Energy industry
  • Raw materials
  • Material sciences for industry and construction
  • Chemical industry and analytics
  • Geoscientific consulting and planning for engineers
  • General consulting agencies
  • Structural and civil engineering, tunneling
  • Collection curation, monument preservation, rescue archeology
  • Journalism and tourism

Beratung und Praktika
Der Career Service der Universität berät bei der Berufsorientierung und beim Berufseinstieg. Praktika und Jobs finden Sie im Praxisportal.

Graduates of the Master program have the opportunity to continue with a PhD. For further information see the website Faculty of Science - Doctoral Studies.

information on the Alumni Tübingen association

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