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Tübingen Geoscientist Todd Ehlers elected member of Academia Europaea

Prof. Todd Ehlers, Ph.D. © Mira Kessler
Prof. Todd Ehlers, Ph.D.

Tübingen Geoscientist Professor Todd Ehlers has been elected as a member of the Academia Europaea in October 2018. The Academy thus honored Ehlers' success as a researcher in the interactions between climatic, tectonics, surface processes, and biota as applied to the evolution of active mountain ranges and adjacent sedimentary basins. “I consider this award as an achievement for the broader internationalization goals of the University”, Ehlers said in his first reaction.

The Academy´s Board of trustees invited in September 302 international scholars to accept membership of the Academia Europaea 2018, following a rigorous peer review process. The Academia Europaea is the leading international academy in Europe and covers the fields of humanities, law, economics, social and political sciences, mathematics, medicine, and natural sciences. It has about 4,000 members. Amongst them are seventy-two Nobel Laureates, several of whom were elected to the Academia before they received the prize. The Academy also functions as an advisory body for the ERC, and EU. Its registered office and headquarters is based in London.

Since 2009, Todd Ehlers has been professor for Geoscience at the University of Tübingen. He holds an ERC Consolidator Grant and is co-coordinator of German Priority Program (SPP) 1803, “EarthShape: Earth Surface Shaping by Biota”. Since 2017, Ehlers has been chairperson of the Department of Geosciences at Tübingen University. 

Karl G. Rijkhoek
