


Behavioural Flexibility in Chimpanzee Tool use

Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Ammie Kalan


Time: Thursday, 27th July 2023 at 1pm (sharp)

Location: Rümelinstraße 23, Room 602 or via Zoom (link will be send one day before the colloquium)

Speakers: Prof. Dr. Ammie Kalan

Title: Behavioural Flexibility in Chimpanzee Tool use

Using a systematic and standardized approach to studying wild chimpanzees across their range has resulted in unprecedented comparisons of over 40 chimpanzee populations. These efforts, part of the Pan African Programme initiative, have led to new discoveries regarding the chimpanzee behavioural and cultural repertoire including new tool use behaviours. In this talk I will combine both my past and present research on chimpanzee tool use behaviour to provide insight into the flexibility, diversity and cultural variation observed in the wild.  I will also briefly share my current research focus whilst a DFG Center Fellow and illustrate how my research can help inform conservation strategies on-the-ground.

We welcome you all to join us in-person or via Zoom.
