
Z Coordination

People Involved

Principal Investigators

Prof. Dr. P. Grathwohl

CAMPOS Spokesperson

University of Tübingen, Hydrogeochemistry

Prof. Dr. Christiane Zarfl

University of Tübingen, Environmental Systems Analysis

Management Team

Dr. Hermann Rügner

Senior Scientist, University of Tübingen, Hydrogeochemistry

Eva Wolf

University of Tübingen, Administration

Dr. Wolfgang Bott

Head of Administration, Department of Geosciences, University of Tübingen

Dr. Elisabetha Kraft

University of Tübingen, Administration (until 2020)

General Approach and Organisational Structure

The CAMPOS Management Team

  • executes all issues decided upon by the Executive Board
  • communicates and reports to the universities and DFG
  • supervises project progress (by participation at regular meetings of the individual projects)
  • organizes and controls financial administration, including the expenditure of global funds
  • organizes the gender and young reseachers support measures and the public relations activities

The Management Team organizes and maintains the

  • weekly “jour fixe” to discuss day-to-day activities (field campaigns, lab work, etc.)
  • weekly seminar (with internal speakers and invited scientists)
  • annual science meetings for all CAMPOS reserchers in order to discuss the actual progress of all projects and to coordinate further activities
  • thematic workshops to strengthen internal cooperation and to discuss upcoming research strategies
  • yearly general assemblies, held in conjunction with the science meetings or workshops
  • interactions with the public (e.g. by regular "stakeholder meetings" with farmers, members from authorities, etc.)
  • CAMPOS guest scientist programme and the international conference
  • project management tool "pm.campos.uni-tuebingen.de" (dropbox, WIKI, meeting & event calendar, etc. - developed by INF)

The CAMPOS Executive Board

is in charge of the scientific orientation, principal leadership and high-level international co-operations of CAMPOS. It monitors the progress of the CRC and the timing according to the work plan, particularly considering the interactions between the projects, and defines topics for the general assembly. Current board members are:

  • Prof. Dr. Peter Grathwohl (Spokesperson)
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Olaf A. Cirpka (Deputy Spokesperson and Early Career Coordinator)
  • Prof. Dr. Beate Escher (Gender and Family Coordinator)
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Griebler 
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Kappler   
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Nowak
  • Prof. Dr. Thilo Streck
  • Prof. Dr. Christiane Zarfl
  • A representative of the CAMPOS doctoral students

CAMPOS General Assembly

is the assembly of all Principal Investigators in CAMPOS. Yearly meeting are scheduled. Participation is obligatory for all PIs and researchers employed in CAMPOS to allow discussion on practical and strategic issues of the research conducted. By this, all CAMPOS members will participate in decision processes and stay informed.


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