
Publications 2008

Biedzka-Sarek M, Salmenlinna S, Gruber M, Lupas AN, Meri S, Skurnik M. 2008 Functional mapping of YadA- and Ail-mediated binding of human factor H to Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:3. Infect Immun. 2008 Nov;76(11):5016-27.

Chevillotte M, Menges R, Muth G, Wohlleben W, Stegmann E. 2008. A quick and reliable method for monitoring gene expression in actinomycetes. J. Biotechnol. 135:262-265.

Eisenbeis S, Lohmiller S, Valdebenito M, Leicht S, Braun V. 2008. NagA-dependent uptake of N-acetyl-glucosamine and N-acetyl-chitin oligosaccharides across the outer membrane of Caulobacter crescentus. J. Bacteriol. 190:5230-5238.

Hartmann H, Eltzschig H, Wurz H, Hantke K, Rakin A, Yazdi AS, Matteoli G, Bohn E, Autenrieth IB, Karhausen J, Neumann D, Colgan SP, Kempf VAJ. 2008. Hypoxia-independent activation of HIF-1 by Enterobacteriaceae and their siderophores. Gastroenterology 134:756-67.

Heide L, Gust B, Anderle C, Li SM. 2008. Combinatorial biosynthesis, metabolic engineering and mutasynthesis for the generation of new aminocoumarin antibiotics. Curr. Top. Med. Chem. 8:667-79.

Hernandez Alvarez B, Hartmann MD, Albrecht R, Lupas AN, Zeth K, Linke D. 2008. A new expression system for protein crystallization using trimeric coiled-coil adaptors. Protein Eng. Des. Sel. 21:11-18.

Hullmann J, Patzer SI, Römer C, Hantke K, Braun V. 2008. Periplasmic chaperone FkpA is essential for imported colicin M toxicity. Mol Microbiol. 69:926-937.

Kaiser PO, Riess T, Wagner CL, Linke D, Lupas A, Schwarz H, Raddatz G, Schäfer A, Kempf VAJ. 2008. The head of Bartonella adhesin A is crucial for host cell interaction of Bartonella henselae. Cell. Microbiol. 10:2223-34.

Kraus D, Herbert S, Kristian SA, Khosravi A, Nizet V, Götz F, Peschel A. 2008. The GraRS regulatory system controls Staphylococcus aureus susceptibility to antimicrobial host defenses. BMC.Microbiol. 8: 85.

Kraus D, Peschel A. 2008. Staphylococcus aureus evasion of innate antimicrobial defense. Future Microbiol. 3: 437-451.

Linder JU, Schultz JE. 2008. Versatility of Signal Transduction Encoded in Dimeric Adenylyl Cyclases. Curr. Opinion Struct Biol 18, 667–72.

Lohmiller S, Hantke, K, Patzer SI, Braun V.2008. TonB-dependent maltose transport by Caulobacter crescentus. Microbiology. 154:1748-54.

Nicolaisen K, Moslavac S, Samborski A, Valdebenito M, Hantke K, Maldener I,

Muro-Pastor AM, Flores E, Schleiff E. 2008. Alr0397 is an outer membrane transporter for the siderophore schizokinen in Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. J. Bacteriol. 190: 7500-7.

Riess T, Dietrich F, Schmidt KV, Kaiser PO, Schwarz H, Schäfer A, Kempf VAJ. 2008. Analysis of a novel insect-cell culture-based growth medium for Bartonella spp. Appl. Env. Microbiol. 74::5224-5227.

Sanabria N, Goring D, Nürnberger T, Dubery I. 2008. Self/nonself perception and recognition mechanisms in plants: a comparison of self-incompatibility and innate immunity. New Phytol. 178:503-514.

Seidl K, Goerke C, Wolz C, Mack D, Berger-Bachi B, Bischoff M. 2008. Staphylococcus aureus CcpA affects biofilm formation. Infect Immun 76: 2044-2050.

Shan L, He P, Li J, Heese A, Peck SC, Nürnberger T, Martin GB, Sheen J. 2008. Bacterial Effectors Target BAK1 to Disrupt MAMP Receptor Signaling Complexes and Impede Plant Innate Immunity. Cell Host Microbe 4:17-27.

Szczesny P, Lupas A. 2008. Domain annotation of trimeric autotransporter adhesins--daTAA. Bioinformatics. 24:1251-1256.

Szczesny P, D Linke D, Ursinus A, Bär F, Schwarz H, Riess TM, Kempf VA, Lupas AN, Martin J, Zeth K. 2008. Structure of the head of the Bartonella adhesin BadA. PLoS Pathog. 4:e1000119.

Truman AW, Fan Q, Röttgen M, Stegmann E, Leadlay PF, Spencer JB. 2008. The role of cep15 in the biosynthesis of chloroeremomycin: reactivation of an ancestral catalytic function. Chem. Biol. 15:476-484.

Vollmer W, Bertsche U. 2008. Murein (peptidoglycan) structure, architecture and biosynthesis in Escherichia coli. Biochim Biophys Acta 1778: 1714-1734. Top-20 most cited articles published in the journal/BBA Biomembranes/during the period 2008-2010

Wagner CL, Riess T, Linke D, Eberhardt C, Schäfer A, Reutter S, Kempf VAJ. 2008. Use of Bartonella adhesin A (BadA) immunoblotting in the serodiagnosis of Bartonella henselae infections. Int. J. Med. Microbiol. 298.579-590.

Wang K, Mahmud H, Föller M, Biswas R, Lang KS, Bohn E, Götz F, Lang F. 2008. Lipopeptides in the triggering of erythrocyte cell membrane scrambling. Cell Physiol Biochem 22: 381-386.


Schittek B, Paulmann M, Senyürek I, Steffen H. 2008. The role of antimicrobial peptides in human skin and in skin infectious diseases.Infect Disord Drug Targets. 8(3):135-43. Review.

Vollmer W, Bertsche U. 2008. Murein (peptidoglycan) structure, architecture and biosynthesis in Escherichia coli. Biochem Biophys Acta 1778: 1714-1734.


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