
Publications 2011

Alt S, Mitchenall LA, Maxwell A, Heide L. 2011. Inhibition of DNA gyrase and DNA topoisomerase IV of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli by aminocoumarin antibiotics. J Antimicrob Chemother. 66(9):2061-9.

Andrä J, Goldmann T, Ernst CM, Peschel A, Gutsmann T. 2011. Multiple Peptide Resistance Factor (MprF)-mediated Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus against Antimicrobial Peptides Coincides with a Modulated Peptide Interaction with Artificial Membranes Comprising Lysyl-Phosphatidylglycerol. Journal of Biological Chemistry 286:18692-18700.

Aymanns S, Mauerer S, van Zandbergen G, Wolz C, Spellerberg B. 2011. High-level fluorescence labeling of gram-positive pathogens. PLoS One 6:e19822.

Bertsche U, Weidenmaier C, Kuehner D, Yang SJ, Baur S, Wanner S, Francois P, Schrenzel J, Yeaman MR, Bayer AS. 2011. Correlation of daptomycin resistance in a clinical Staphylococcus aureus strain with increased cell wall teichoic acid production and D-alanylation. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 55(8):3922-8.

Boll B, Taubitz T, Heide L. 2011. Role of MbtH-like proteins in the adenylation of tyrosine during aminocoumarin and vancomycin biosynthesis. J Biol Chem. 21;286(42):36281-90.

Boll B, Hennig S, Xie C, Sohng JK, Heide L. 2011. Adenylate-forming enzymes of rubradirin biosynthesis: RubC1 is a bifunctional enzyme with aminocoumarin acyl ligase and tyrosine-activating domains.Chembiochem. 12(7):1105-14.

Braun V, Hantke K. 2011. Recent insights into iron import by bacteria. Curr Opin Chem Biol. 15:328-334.

Ernst C, Peschel A. 2011. Broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptide resistance by MprF-mediated phospholipid modification and flipping. Mol Microbiol 80:290-299.

Ferris HU, Dunin-Horkawicz S, García Mondéjar L, Hulko M, Hantke K, Martin J, Schultz JE, Zeth K, Lupas AN, Coles M. 2011. The mechanisms of HAMP-mediated signaling in transmembrane receptors. Structure.19(3):378-385.

Göhring N, Fedtke I, Xia G, Jorge AM, Pinho MG, Bertsche U, Peschel A. 2011. New role of the disulfide stress effector YjbH in β-lactam susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2011 Dec;55(12):5452-8.

Grin I, Linke D. 2011. GCView: the Genomic Context Viewer for protein homology searches. Nucleic Acids Research 39: 353-356.

Hantke K, Winkler K, Schultz JE. 2011. Escherichia coli exports cyclic AMP via TolC. J Bacteriol. 193(5):1086-9.

Helbig S, Patzer SI, Schiene-Fischer C, Zeth K, Braun V. 2011. Activation of colicin M by the FkpA prolyl cis-trans isomerase/chaperone. J Biol Chem. 2011 Feb 25;286(8):6280-90. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M110.165274.

Helbig S, Braun V. 2011. Mapping functional domains of colicin M. J. Bacteriol. 193:815-821.

Heichlinger A, Ammelburg M, Kleinschnitz EM, Latus A, Maldener I, Flärdh K, Wohlleben W, Muth G. 2011. The MreB-like protein Mbl of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) depends on MreB for proper localization and contributes to spore wall synthesis. J Bacteriol. 193(7):1533-42.

Helbig S, Patzer SI, Schiene-Fischer C, Zeth K, Braun V. 2011. Activation of colicin M by the FkpA prolyl-cis-trans isomerase/chaperone. J. Biol. Chem. 286:6280-6290.

Helle L, Kull M, Mayer S, Marincola G, Zelder ME, Goerke C, Wolz C, Bertram R. 2011. Vectors for improved Tet repressor-dependent gradual gene induction or silencing in Staphylococcus aureus. Microbiology 157:3314-3323.

Kleinschnitz EM, Heichlinger A, Schirner K, Winkler J, Latus A, Maldener I, Wohlleben W, Muth G. 2011. Proteins encoded by the mre gene cluster in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) cooperate in spore wall synthesis. Mol Microbiol. 2011 Mar;79(5):1367-79. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2958.2010.07529.x.

Kleinschnitz EM, Latus A, Sigle S, Maldener I, Wohlleben W, Muth G. 2011. Genetic analysis of SCO2997, encoding a TagF homologue, indicates a role for wall teichoic acids in sporulation of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). J Bacteriol. 2011 Nov;193(21):6080-5.

Koprivnjak T, Peschel A .2011. Bacterial resistance mechanisms against host-defensepeptides. Cell Mol Life Sci 68:2243-54.

Koprivnjak T, Zhang D, Ernst CM, Peschel A, Nauseef WM, Weiss JP. 2011. Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus cardiolipin synthases 1 and 2 and their contribution to accumulation of cardiolipin in stationary phase and within phagocytes J Bacteriol 193:4134-42.

Lehner J, Zhang Y, Berendt S, Rasse TM, Forchhammer K, Maldener I. 2011. The morphogene AmiC2 is pivotal for multicellular development in the cyanobacterium Nostoc punctiforme. Mol Microbiol. 2011. Mar;79(6):1655-69. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2958.2011.07554.x

Leo J, Lyskowski A, Hattula K, Hartmann M, Schwarz H, Butcher S, Linke D, Lupas A, Goldman A. 2011.The structure of E. coli IgG-binding protein D suggests a general model for bending and binding in trimeric autotransporter adhesins. Structure 19: 1021-1030.

Macek B, Mijakovic I. Site-specific analysis of bacterial phosphoproteomes. 2011. Proteomics. 11(15):3002-11.

Merino-Puerto V, Mariscal V, Schwarz H, Maldener I, Mullineaux CW, Herrero A, Flores E. 2011. FraH is required for reorganization of intracellular membranes during heterocyst differentiation in Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120. J Bacteriol. 2011 Dec;193(24):6815-23.

Mijakovic I, Macek B. 2011. Impact of phosphoproteomics on studies of bacterial physiology. FEMS Microbiol Rev. 2011 Nov 8. doi: 10.1111/j.1574-6976.2011.00314.x.

Müller NF, Kaiser PO, Linke D, Schwarz H, Riess T, Schäfer A, Eble JA, Kempf VA. 2011. Trimeric autotransporter adhesin-dependent adherence of Bartonella henselae, Bartonella quintana, and Yersinia enterocolitica to matrix components and endothelial cells under static and dynamic flow conditions.Infect Immun. 79(7):2544-53.

Müller JE, Papic D, Ulrich T, Grin I, Schütz M, Oberhettinger P, Tommassen J, Linke D, Dimmer KS, Autenrieth IB, Rapaport D. 2011. Mitochondria can recognize and assemble fragments of a beta-barrel structure. Mol Biol Cell. 22(10):1638-47.

Pramanik A, Hauf W, Hoffmann J, Cernescu M, Brutschy B, Braun V. 2011. Oligomeric structure of ExbB and ExbB-ExbD isolated from Escherichia coli as revealed by LILBID mass spectrometry. Biochemistry 50:8950-8956.

Reiss K, Kirchner E, Gijzen M, Zocher G, Löffelhardt B, Nürnberger T, Stehle T, Brunner F. 2011. Structural and phylogenetic analyses of the GP42 transglutaminase from Phytophthora sojae reveal an evolutionary relationship between oomycetes and marine Vibrio bacteria. J. Biol. Chem. 286:42585-42593.

Schäberle TF, Vollmer W, Frasch HJ, Hüttel S, Kulik A, Röttgen M, von Thaler AK, Wohlleben W, Stegmann E. 2011. Self-resistance and cell wall composition in the glycopeptide producer Amycolatopsis balhimycina. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 55(9):4283-9.

Schmiederer T, Rausch S, Valdebenito M, Mantri Y, Mösker E, Baramov T, Stelmaszyk K, Schmieder P, Butz D, Müller SI, Schneider K, Baik MH, Hantke K, Süssmuth RD. 2011. The E. coli siderophores enterobactin and salmochelin form six-coordinate silicon complexes at physiological pH. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 50:4230-4233.

Sepulveda E, Vogelmann J, Muth G. 2011. A septal chromosome segregator protein evolved into a conjugative DNA-translocator protein. Mobile Genetics Elements 1: 1-5.

Siebenberg S, Kaysser L, Wemakor E, Heide L, Gust B, Kammerer B. 2011. Identification and structural elucidation of new caprazamycins from Streptomyces sp. MK730-62F2 by liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 25: 495-502.

Vogelmann J, Ammelburg M, Finger C, Guezguez J, Linke D, Flötenmeyer M, Stierhof YD, Wohlleben W, Muth G. 2011. Conjugal plasmid transfer in Streptomyces resembles bacterial chromosome segregation by FtsK/SpoIIIE.EMBO J. 1;30(11): 2246-54. Selected and evaluated by the Faculty of 1000

Wagner C, Polke M, Gerlach R, Linke D, Schwarz H, Hensel M. 2011. Functional and molecular dissection of SiiE, a giant non-fimbrial adhesin of Salmonella enterica. Cellular Microbiology 13: 1286-1301.

Wanke I, Steffen H, Christ C, Krismer B, Götz F, Peschel A, Schaller M, Schittek B. 2011. Skin commensals amplify the innate immune response to pathogens by activation of distinct signaling pathways. J Invest Dermatol. 2011 Feb;131(2):382-90. doi: 10.1038/jid.2010.328.

Willmann R, Lajunen HM, Erbs G, Newman MA, Kolb D, Tsuda K, Katagiri F, Fliegmann J, Bono JJ, Cullimore JV, Jehle AK, Götz F, Kulik A, Molinaro A, Lipka V, Gust AA, Nürnberger T. 2011. Arabidopsis lysin-motif proteins LYM1 LYM3 CERK1 mediate bacterial peptidoglycan sensing and immunity to bacterial infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108(49):19824-9.

Xia G, Corrigan RM, Winstel V, Goerke C, Gründling A, Peschel A. 2011. Wall teichoic Acid-dependent adsorption of staphylococcal siphovirus and myovirus. J Bacteriol. 193 (15): 4006-9.

Reviews and Bookchapters

Schittek B. 2011.The antimicrobial skin barrier in patients with atopic dermatitis.
Curr Probl Dermatol. 2011;41:54-67. doi: 10.1159/000323296. Epub 2011 May 12. Review.

Grin I, Schwarz H, Linke D. 2011. Electron microscopy techniques to study bacterial adhesion. In: Bacterial Adhesion - Chemistry, Biology and Physics. Linke D and Goldman A, editors, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 715: 257-269.

O'Rourke F, Schmidgen T, Kaiser PO, Linke D, Kempf VA. 2011. Adhesins of Bartonella spp. In: Bacterial Adhesion - Chemistry, Biology and Physics. Linke D and Goldman A, editors, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 715: 51-70.

Vogelmann J, Wohlleben W, Muth G. 2011. Streptomyces conjugative elements. In P. Dyson (Ed.) Streptomyces Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Caisters Norwich UK. Pp.


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