
RIS4CIVIS Innovation- and Start-up Training Program

You want to discover the innovative potential of your research and learn more about how to turn innovative ideas into a business model? This online course will provide you with substantial knowledge in start-up and innovation topics. In eight modules, you will learn the basics of generating ideas, developing business models, on patent rights and protection issues, and on how to pitch your ideas to investors. The courses will be held online and is open to PhD students and Postdocs from all RIS4CIVIS partner universities. 


In short:

What: Program consisting of 8 trainings on Innovation and Start-up 

When: From November 17, 2023 to February 23, 2024

Who: Open to PhD students and Postdocs

Format: Online via Zoom

Registration: Open from October 9, 2023 to October 25, 2023 via Eveeno

Note: By registering, you agree to take part in the whole program, i.e. all 8 workshops! 

The 8 modules

Ideation 17.11.2023 – 9:00 to 11:00 CET

In this interactive and hands-on online workshop, we will dive into the world of ideation.

Within three hours, we’ll explore: the different elements of an ideation process; the concept of the problem-solution fit; how to find solutions with the help of innovation guidelines and how to structure ideas.

Trainer: Paul-David Bittner

Design Thinking 24.11.2023 – 9:00 to 11:00 CET

In this interactive and hands-on online workshop, we will dive into the world of design thinking.

Within three hours, we’ll explore: What is the Design Thinking approach? How to change perspectives & build empathy? How to work in an interdisciplinary and agile manner in a team?

Trainer: Paul-David Bittner

Invention & Innovation 01.12.2023 – 9:00 to 12:00 CET

This course will allow you to understand the main differences between invention and innovations. It will focus on different kinds and degrees of innovations, the difference between invention and innovation, the question of why to innovate and examples of innovative firms.

Trainer: Charlie Barla

Business Model Canvas 08.12.2023 – 9:00 to 12:00 CET

In this module, you will learn about the key aspects of successfully designing and adapting business models for your idea. With the use of the Business Model Canvas tool, you will find out in which ways

business projects are similar to the research projects you are currently working on - and in which ways they are different. Our main learning goal is to acquire an understanding of the different types of value creation for early-stage businesses, to see how they evolve over time and to get a hands-on practice that will help you develop your idea further.

Trainer: Mia-Celine Zsohár

From Research to Innovation: protect the results of your research… Why? How? When? 26.01.2024 – 9:00 to 12:00 CET

This course is an introduction to the steps to protect research results which are a milestone of the knowledge transfer process. Topics that will be addressed amongst others are: intellectual property rights (in particular patents, design protection, copyright…); proof tools such as laboratory notebooks and i-DEPOT procedures; patent criteria and procedures related to filing patent applications; know-how, trade secrets and confidentiality disclosure agreements. This overview of the different possibilities to protect research results will allow participants to identify the most adequate means of protection in their research field. It will also allow them to determine when to get in touch with their Technology Transfer Office during their research and be supported in a process that will lead them from research to innovation.

Trainer: Patrick Di Stefano

Business plan writing 19.01.2024 – 9:00 to 12:00 CET or 09.02.2024 – 9:00 to 12:00 CET

“Business Plan Writing” presents and provides some key information you should have in mind to evaluate your business’s capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses and pinpoint the crucial elements of your competitive environment, including market, economic, and technological factors. Through a list of Q&A, you will learn about: what is a Business Plan?; diagnosing the internal capabilities of a company, customer satisfaction and the external environment; setting goals; developing a sales and revenue, production, organization and management plan, financial, and information technology plans; and, finally, preparing a business plan to raise capital.

Trainer: Félix-Fernando Muñoz

Entrepreneurial Mindset 02.02.2024 – 9:00 to 12:00 CET

In this course you will learn more about the concept of an Entrepreneurial Mindset and how to change perspective from being a researcher to becoming an entrepreneur. More information will be added soon.

Trainer: To be announced

Pitch Training 23.02.2023 – 9:00 to 12:00 CET

This workshop will give you some framework conditions to consider when building a convincing pitch presentation. Even though this is applicable for every presentation, we will give some special attention to the specific features of presenting online. Throughout the training session, you will learn about different types of presentations, build your own storyline and have the chance to get feedback from an interdisciplinary group of peers. Our goal is to strengthen your confidence in presenting - for every occasion, place and target group.

Trainer: Mia-Celine Zsohár

Registration Process

Timeline and Process of Registration

You can register for the program from October 9, 2023 to October 25, 2023. Once registration is closed, we will decide who will be accepted into the program and you will be informed of our decision by October 27th. 


You can register for the program via the Eveeno plattform



Jan Middendorf

Project Coordinator Excellence Strategy

RIS4CIVIS Reinforcing Academia-Business R&I Cooperation

University of Tübingen Division II – Research, Unit 1 – Research and Excellence Strategy

Rümelinstraße 32 · 72070 Tübingen · Germany

Phone +49 7071 29-76456

Email: jan.middendorf@uni-tuebingen.de