

Building Bridges: Exploring Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity with the LEGO Serious Play Method

Workshop | Dr. Skylor Zhitian Zhang

Samstag, 22. Juni 2024 | 10 bis 17 Uhr
KI Center Tübingen Workshop Room

Wöhrdstraße 25, 72072 Tübingen

Kosten (Costs): 50 Euro
(Note: This workshop is nonprofit. The registration fee will be used for workshop materials and catering. After the workshop, participants will receive a LEGO Serious Play Starter Kit (value €25) and a certificate.)
Anmeldung bis (Registration until) 15.6. via Website www.skylorzhang.org/serious-play
Sprache (Language): Englis(c)h

Join Dr. Skylor Zhitian Zhang, a certified LEGO Serious Play facilitator and creativity specialist, for an immersive workshop brimming with fun and inspiration. Engage in hands-on LEGO building and sharing activities meticulously designed to foster understanding and collaboration within a safe, inclusive space. Unleash your creativity and innovation while actively contributing to a more inclusive future. Don't miss out on this transformative experience!

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