Deep in an open coal mine in southern Greece, researchers have discovered the antiquities-rich country’s oldest archaeological site, which dates to 700,000 years ago and is associated with modern humans’ hominin ancestors. The find would drag the dawn of Greek archaeology back by as much as a quarter of a million years. The Greek site was one of five investigated in the Megalopolis area during a five-year project involving an international team of experts. The project was directed by Panagiotis Karkanas of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Eleni Panagopoulou from the Greek Culture Ministry and Prof. Dr. Katerina Harvati (University of Tübingen).
The article is freely accessible under: https://apnews.com/article/greece-archaeology-oldest-site-stone-tools-3e84007cde4d77a2725b7877b9b38335